Highlander’s Captive Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 106398 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 532(@200wpm)___ 426(@250wpm)___ 355(@300wpm)

He smiled and started a rhythm that Wintra found herself matching, and he went deeper and deeper, the temp growing stronger and stronger. She grasped at his arms and held on for dear life, for she thought she was about to burst.

And she did. The intense sensation hit her so hard the she cried out and Torr moved even harder inside and oh if it didn’t feel fantastic.

She launched her hips up pressing into him and squeezing tightly, greedy in devouring every last bit of her powerful climax. Then suddenly she felt Torr burst as she had done and she held onto him and they rode out the last ripples of pleasure together.

It took a few minutes before either of them could move or speak. Then he rolled off her and laid a moment on his back, calming his breathing before he turned on his side to look at her.

“That was so much more pleasurable than I had ever imagined it to be,” she said with a sigh.

He smiled. “I am glad I pleased you.”

“Did I please you?” she asked anxiously, turning on her side to face him.

“More than you will ever know.”

She was about to smile when a yawn slipped out.

“You are exhausted. You need to sleep.”

Wintra felt sleep creeping up over her, but she had to ask, “Why tonight? Why make love to me tonight?”

Torr took hold of her chin and held it firm. “To officially seal our vows so that nothing or no one can separate us. I love you, Princess, and I will not lose you.”

Chapter Sixteen

Owen had left the Great Hall shortly after Cree and Torr had stormed out realizing their women had left. They were fools to place such importance on women. They were nothing more than a means to an end. They were there to bring a man more land and wealth through marriage and to satisfy his needs whenever instructed to do so.

He snarled as he crept up on the cottage, keeping to the night shadows so that no one would see him. He had worked for months formulating his plan, ridding himself of those who stood in his way and playing a dotting man in love. He would not have it all fall apart. He would not lose the wealth his union to Wintra would bring him. Besides, he wanted the bitch to pay for speaking out in front of all, instead of holding her tongue like an obedient woman should. What did she know about love anyway? She had been raised in the abbey by nuns who should have taught her better manners and obedience, something he would enjoy doing.

It angered him to think that Torr had her before he did. She was a beauty and he would have enjoyed breaking her in to serving his needs. But then he planned on her still serving his needs one way or another.

His jaw clenched when he heard Wintra scream Torr’s name and when she did it again, he found himself not only growing more furious, but hard.

“Damn the bitch,” he muttered, though did not turn away and leave. He waited and listened, her cries of pleasure exciting him more than he cared to admit. His thoughts drifted to how Wintra would scream when he mounted her. She would beg him to stop, but he would give her a good pounding and when he was done, she would obey his every word. And every night he would do the same to remind her of her place as his wife and—he shook his head. His musings had hardened him so badly that now he would have to find a woman to see to his needs tonight. And she would need to be a willing one at that. He certainly could not do as he usually did and force himself on one, for it would jeopardize what plans he had left.

It disgusted him to think that he would have to be nice to the woman who would spread her legs for him tonight. After all he was the man, the one with the power and he enjoyed wielding it as he liked.

Owen stood staring at the cottage, a snarl distorting his face. It was quiet, not another sound came from it. He should be the one sleeping with Wintra tonight. He should be the one she obeys, but then she will be. She will have no choice. And to make certain of that he intended to not only see Torr dead, but her interfering brother as well.


Cree’s eyes shot open. He had no idea what woke him, but he woke with the express need to keep his family safe. He looked down at Dawn cuddled so comfortably in his arms as she was every night and as she would be every night to come. She belonged to him and that was that, and he loved her beyond reason.

