Highlander Unchained Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 104340 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

The groan started deep in his chest and would have developed into a deep roar if he hadn’t curtailed it. He stood a minute more, and then with powerful strides he walked down the hill and into the woods.


Dawn felt more content than she had in days perhaps weeks even though the sky was overcast it did not dampen her spirit. Rarely, did she have a chance to explore the woods at leisure. There was always work to be done. Today was hers to enjoy, for she did not know what tomorrow would bring.

She had come upon an area where there were several small broken branches and twigs and pine cones that would make a splendid winter wreath. She began to fill the basket wishing she had had the sense to bring two; one for the twigs and one for the wild onions. She did not want the scent of onions greeting her every time she entered her cottage.

She paused at her task to listen; something had changed in the woods. It had turned silent. She stood straight and that was when she saw him, tall and unmoving, staring at her. The animals had scurried away sensing a predator had entered their home, but he was not there for them... he was there for her.

He kept his eyes riveted on her and even at this distance she could see that they steamed with lust. She did not know what to do. Running would do her little good and even if she could scream it would not matter no one would come to her aid. He was the lord of this land and no one would question his actions.

What choice did she have but to wait and let him come to her and take her or did she offer herself to him and fully taste what he had only given her a sample of?

Her answer came easily. She smiled, raised her arm, and held her hand out to him.

Chapter Seventeen

Cree stared for a moment wondering if she knew what she offered him or had she offered it feeling she had no other choice that it was inevitable and she could do nothing but accept it.

What did it matter? It only mattered that he would finally ease the unrelenting ache that tore at him. He walked over to her, his powerful and determined strides growing more eager with each step he took.

She stood her ground, though her legs trembled, her stomach grew anxious and she wondered if she had made the right choice. But she had made a choice and that was what was important. It had been her decision; she had made it for herself.

He reached out, his hand going around the back of her neck, his arm slipping around her waist and his lips descending on hers. It was not a gentle kiss; it was a hungry one. It did little to appease his appetite; it only made him hunger for more.

The power of his kiss overwhelmed Dawn. He feed on her with an urgency that intoxicated her senses. His lips pressed to hers in a way that demanded and provoked her to join him. And when his tongue surged into her mouth, her body bucked and he yanked her hard against him.

Her arms wrapped around him of their own accord, as if that was where they belonged. As soon as she did his one arm grew taut around her waist and in one swift lift her feet were off the ground and with his kiss growing ever stronger he walked them to a large oak tree. Her feet crunched on a bed of leaves as he lowered her down and pinned her back against the tree with his body.

He was hard and warm and smelled of fresh earth and pine and she drank in his scent, thirsty for it.

He ended the kiss abruptly and rested his brow to hers. “Bloody hell, what is it about you?”

His lips went to the crook of her neck and he kissed and nipped along it as his hand reached up and pushed the neckline of her blouse down to scoop up one breast and free it. His mouth went straight for the nipple, his tongue teasing the already tight bud until it was rock hard and then he took it in his mouth and suckled.

Dawn gripped his arms squeezing tight as a rash of tingles rushed through her to settle with a throb between her legs. He leaned his hips into her, his arousal settling hard against her, and she felt herself grow wet.

His hand slipped down and hoisted up her skirt and stopped suddenly when he realized she wore...

“No stockings.”

His growl reminded her of a primal beast and she startled when his fingers slipped between her legs.”

“Damn, you’re wet and ready for me.”

