Highlander Unchained Read Online Donna Fletcher (Highlander Trilogy #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Highlander Trilogy Series by Donna Fletcher

Total pages in book: 114
Estimated words: 104340 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 522(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 348(@300wpm)

Dawn felt a catch in her stomach. She had planned on preparing a meal tonight for her friends and having some time with them. She was aching to hold the newborn and get a chance to talk with Lila.

“Silence!” the rough shout stilled everyone instantly and the tall man with the golden hair whose voice had echoed over the crowd stepped back behind Cree.

Her stomach didn’t have a chance to settle seeing Cree standing on the top step of the keep. He was a sight to behold; broad and tall and as handsome as he was imposing. His dark eyes roamed the crowd slowly as if committing every face to memory. Some shivered while others looked away and mothers shoved their children behind them fearful that the devil himself was marking each and every one of them.

“Listen well for I will not repeat myself,” Cree said his voice strong and echoing out across the crowd. “This land now belongs to me. I am your new feudal lord and the title Earl of Carrick will soon be mine as decreed by the King.”

Grasps and whispers circled the crowd.

“Silence!” Cree yelled. “Work and keep a truthful tongue to me and I will see that you have a good life with food aplenty. You will be able to hunt the forest for food not only for me but for yourselves as well. You will bring your complaints to me and I will deal with them fairly... but my word is law and I will have no one protest it. I will see not only this land prosper but the people as well. Pledge your fealty to me and I will see you kept safe, if not... gather your things and leave now, you are free to go.”

The villagers mumbled among themselves, many wondering if they could trust a man they thought evil.

“For those who stay,” Cree called out, “we celebrate. There will be food, drink and merry making for tomorrow we forge a new life together.”

Several villagers cheered, which led to more cheers until it seemed as if everyone cheered... even Paul joined in. Dawn, of course, could not, but if she could she did not know if she would. Cree was a puzzle to her. He had not raided the village leaving destruction in his path as the tales claim he always did. Women had not been brutalized and children had not been harmed. It seemed that it had been Colum’s warriors who had suffered the most. But then Cree claimed this land as his, and he would not want to destroy it or the people that would tend it for him. And why would the King decree this land as belonging to Cree?

As the crowd began to disperse smiles replaced frowns and laughter could be heard. Cree had dispelled their fears and worries and even invited them to celebrate in the new life he offered. Why wouldn’t they accept his terms? What would they have if they packed their meager belongings and left?

Dawn once again assisted Paul as they returned to his cottage.

“Don’t expect he’ll want the likes of you now that he has a choice of who will warm his bed.”

Dawn didn’t need to turn and look behind her to know who made the comment. Dorrie’s voice was distinct and always resonated with self-importance.

“He will want someone who will excite him with squeals of delight and pleasure.”

“Enough, Dorrie,” Paul said.

“I agree,” Dorrie laughed. “Cree has had enough of the dumb one and will look for a good woman to please him.”

“Then that leaves you out,” Paul chuckled, “since everyone knows that you’re not good.”

Dawn grinned and silent laughter rippled through her.

Dorrie rushed past them in a snit purposely bumping against Paul and causing him to stumble. Dawn held tight to him and kept him from falling, his weight heavy upon her when suddenly he was lifted off her. A warrior, big and broad had taken hold of Paul.

“I’m to help him, Cree’s orders,” the warrior said.

Dawn followed along as the warrior easily helped Paul to the cottage. At the door the warrior turned to Dawn. “Cree will see you at the celebration.” With that he turned and left.

Paul stared at Dawn. “It sounds as if you are not to miss the merrymaking.”

What Paul truly meant and he well knew it was that Cree had commanded her presence there. She had no thought or want to go and participate in any form of merriment. She didn’t understand how anyone would want to. The village had been attacked, people had been harmed, and this called for a celebration?

“Cree is providing a celebration tonight, which means there will be food and drink aplenty, he has seen the injured tended to and he has freed anyone who wishes to leave. That is far better than what Colum did when he had first arrived here.”

