Her Daddy Valentine – Project Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 85(@200wpm)___ 68(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

I stop shy of the tent in my pants, and Claire’s face twists into a half-pout, half-scowl. “Why’d you stop?”

Honest answer? As badly as I’m screwing it up, I’m still trying to adhere to slow and steady wins the race. What I say to Claire is, “You’re not ready for what my body has in store, pretty little thing.”

“There’s only one way to know for sure.” Her eyes stare into mine under a hooded gaze.

I flick my wrist, and her knuckles brush against my aching muscle through my trousers. Her eyelids widen, and her eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. She hasn’t even done anything, and fireworks explode inside my head. My whole body starts to tense up, and I’m on the verge of pure fucking ecstasy.

If it weren’t for Claire’s reminder that we are, in fact, in a room full of people, I fear I might’ve made a mess of my pants.

“What the fuck?” she whispers in a far-off sort of way. “It just keeps going.”

“Told you you weren’t ready.” Sounding cool and slick when your whole world is erupting is much harder to do than I thought it would be.

Claire giggles, allowing her hand to take complete control, brushing my girth from tip to base. Once her inspection is completed, she pulls back and steeples her hands in front of her face.

“The evidence is inconclusive,” she says. “We’ll have to go somewhere more private for a thorough examination.”

And just like that…

I think I’m in love.



Vaughn drove like a bat out of hell from the restaurant, reaching speeds through the city I was very uncomfortable trying to match in my Kia Picanto. I suppose I should take some responsibility for his erratic behavior. I wasn’t exactly subtle with my wants for the rest of the evening.

I don’t even know where it came from. Him guiding me to the throbbing muscle in his pants or me insisting on taking our party elsewhere. One minute, I was a flustered mess, doing everything in my power to stand on my own two feet, and the next, I felt transformed. Reawakened from that nervous little thing into overly eager neediness only Vaughn Valentine can satisfy.

He's resting against his car’s trunk when I pull into the parking spot next to him. By the time I’ve killed the engine, he’s waiting outside my door, ready to pull it open. And oh, how it flies when the locks disengage. For a second, I’m worried that Vaughn smashed my door into his Porsche, but if he did, it doesn’t seem to faze him.

“My lady,” he says, extending a hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me out of my car.

His attempts at playing the charming, devilish gentleman are adorable, but they’re slipping into his own incessant desires.

He guides me through the parking lot and front lobby of his apartment building with long, determined strides. Like we’re on a mission and can’t slow down. No, that would be very bad. The fate of the world hangs on our shoulders. We’re the only two people left who can accomplish this task.

The more I think about it, giggling fiercely at my internal game, the more I realize how accurate it is. Not saving the world. His cock sure seems magical, but that’s a job for someone else. But we sure are the only two who can deliver insurmountable pleasure to the other.

We reach the elevator, and Vaughn’s hands lock onto my hips. He pulls me into his muscular body, squeezing me tightly, with deep rumbles emitting from his chest.

“I’m gonna kiss you now,” he says.

Such a strange phrase to hear from Vaughn, and it knocks me off balance. Vaughn catches me with one hand on the small of my back and dips me sideways as our lips meet for the first time. It erupts into an earth-rattling makeout session, with our tongues slipping and sliding between our mouths as he steals one breath after the next from me.

“Better than I imagined it would be.” Vaughn breaks our kiss as the elevator comes to a stop. The doors open, and two people on the sixteenth floor get on. However, he doesn’t shy away like I expect him to. Sure, he stopped kissing me, but he doesn’t break his touch, holding me close. Bodies rubbing together. His girth pressing against my tummy as a constant reminder of what’s to come.

The two people, older than us, probably in their fifties, focus their attention on the doors when the elevator starts to move again. A few hours ago, I’d have been too nervous and uncomfortable to stay in Vaughn’s arms like this with others around. Now? I don’t care anymore. This is his show. He’s in full control. Body, mind, and spirit, I’m his.

“Have a good night, fellas,” Vaughn says to the pair as the elevator dings on the top floor of the building. He breaks away from me to walk into the hall, but as soon as we’re out of their line of sight, he latches onto me again. He pulls me into another explosive embrace.

