Her Daddy Valentine – Project Valentine Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 18
Estimated words: 17082 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 85(@200wpm)___ 68(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

“How many options do I have?” His words and tone do something to my body, and I find myself rubbing my thighs together.

“Just one, and it’s a yes. So grab your things, and let’s get out of here.” I’ve gotta hand it to him; Vaughn knows how to take control. It’s another trait that leaves me a little woozy and more than inclined to say yes.

“How about you give me your number, and I’ll meet you wherever we’re going?” I slip my hand into my pocket and pull out my phone. “I’m gonna be a while closing up for the night.”

“Fine.” Vaughn takes my phone after I’ve unlocked it and adds his name and digits to my contact list. “But don’t keep me waiting too long.”

He hands back my phone, and I immediately text him so he’s got my details. His phone makes a chirpy sound as the message comes through. With an ever-widening smile, Vaughn spins around and walks off, leaving me to finish what I need to do.

And it isn’t much. A quick glance at the notes I was busy with before shutting down my computer and gathering the things I scattered across my office throughout the day. By the time I finish, and just about to leave my office, a text from Vaughn pings on my phone with the name of a restaurant and a location pin for me to follow.

I can’t believe this is happening. I expected my first day to be a nightmare, but Vaughn has single-handedly turned it around with an offer of making it special. However, it makes me wonder what his intentions are more than before.

For me, it’s easy to accept his offer. I get to celebrate my first night working for a mega-corporation with my new boss instead of back home with my mom and dad. In this office’s less intense, high-stress environment, I’ll be able to fawn over him without judgment.

That leaves me with the burning question of what he’s after. Dinner, drinks, and a welcome aboard or something more? Could it be that he feels the same way about me?

My thoughts keep me distracted until I reach the underground parking lot. A few cars remain scattered across it, all high-end and fancy, but there isn’t a soul in sight.

The setting instantly creeps me out, as I’m sure it would anyone walking alone. Though I know there’s nothing to fear with security actively patrolling the grounds and late-night workers still present, I can’t help but shake it until I reach my car.

When I’m finally inside the driver’s seat with the key in the ignition, my nerves start to fade. Okay, maybe no more late nights until I’ve gotten used to this place a bit better.

I turn the key, and the engine rolls over. Shifting the car into reverse, I cast my eyes into the rearview mirror, and that’s when I see someone.

He’s dressed well but not in a suit and tie like the other Valentine Group staff. A deep scowl cuts through his gaunt face as he stares back at me. My heart starts beating harder, faster, making me rush to slam my foot on the pedal and reverse out.

As I line my car up with the road, he waves goodbye. I do the same, realizing I just labeled this man a monster when he could literally be anyone. Security, a member of staff called in after hours, and that’s why he shed his suit, literally anyone.

God, that’s embarrassing. At least no one will know since, apart from screeching tires at my hasty escape, everything played out in my head.

At least I won’t be troubled by these thoughts for very long. Because whenever Vaughn’s around, my mind is no one thing…




“Another round,” I say to the waiter hovering over our table. “Or would you like something less sweet than a Strawberry Daiquiri?”

Claire smiles a bright, white-toothed smile. It melts my heart into a puddle that drips into my belly. But I wish that were the only rush of liquids she’s spurned on inside of me.

I can handle a fluttering heart and a few blushes here and there, but good God, if any more blood pumps south and settles in my loins, I’m going to collapse on the floor.

How did he die? They’ll ask, teary-eyed.

Too much blood to the cock and none for the rest of him, a doctor will answer, with reddening cheeks all of his own.

“I should probably tell you now,” Claire starts, moving her cocktail glass closer to the waiter. He places it on his tray full of empty plates and napkins from the feast we just concluded. “I’m not much of a drinker. I’m already a little lightheaded, so it might not be a good idea to have anymore.”

“Then two bottles of water it is,” I say.

There’s no chance in hell I’m going to feed her more booze if she’s teetering on the edge of inebriation. I want this to be a night to remember, not wondering how she ended up in my bed tomorrow morning or fearing I did something. IT has to be grand, spectacular, perfect…

