Going Down Hard, In Too Deep, Taking It Slow (Lucas Cousins #1-3) Read Online Jordan Marie

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Lucas Cousins Series by Jordan Marie

Total pages in book: 181
Estimated words: 177690 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 888(@200wpm)___ 711(@250wpm)___ 592(@300wpm)



“What in the fuck are you doing here!?!?”

The words are angry and loud, not to mention scary. One second I was warm and comfy, every bone in my body relaxed and aching in all the good ways and the next…

I jerk awake with a start, clinging to the sheet like it’s a lifeline.

I had planned on being gone this morning. Last night was cloudy, and I was weak, but he said we would forget last night happened. I shouldn’t have caved in. I knew better. Did I learn nothing with Jack’s father? Men are great until they get what they want.


“Answer me! What the fuck are you doing in my bed!?!?!”

That’s when the sinking feeling hits me and I remember. The new medicine I took, how sleepy I was, coming in here to change his sheets…and then…after.

“I think I’m going to throw up,” I mumble, when I look up into Aden’s face and see the anger and the hate shining back at me like some huge beacon.

“The feeling is mutual! Is this how you get your men, you crawl into their beds when they’re drunk and can’t remember what you are?”

“What I am?” I ask, anger beginning to override my humiliation.

“A bitch!”

“Oh my God! Seriously?” I cry, jerking out of bed with angry movements, and keeping the sheet close to my chest. I wrap it around my body as best as I can. Despite what he did to me last night, there’s no way I am ever exposing myself to him again.

“I already knew you were a bitch. I just didn’t know you were a conniving bitch! Though I should have! All women are!” he growls and I don’t think. I just react. I slap him. I slap him so hard his face goes sideways and the skin above his beard instantly turns pinks with the print of my hand.

“That’s rich coming from a bastard! I was changing the sheets on your bed!”

“And decided to stay around for dick?”

“I fell asleep!”

“I don’t think sleeping had fuck-all to do with what we did last night,” he yells. He rubs the side of his face and I hope that means it stings. I hope it hurts like hell.

“You started last night!” I growl.

“I was drunk! Which you should have known! I’d have to be drunk to touch you!”

“I want you out of my hotel!” I growl, turning for the door. I have to get out of here. I can’t breathe and I can feel tears starting to form. I cry when I’m angry and I freaking hate that about me! I do not want him to see my tears. This makes twice he’s made me cry and I can’t allow him to do it again!

“Too fucking bad! I’m going nowhere unless you refund my money!”

“I don’t have your money!”

“Then I’m here until the weeks out!”

“Fine, but I’m not renting to you next week! The deal is off!”

“Fine by me!”

“Fine!” I growl, yanking the door open.

“You better not turn up pregnant!” he growls. “I’ve had women try that shit on me before and let me tell you, it didn’t work for them, and it sure as hell won’t work for you!”

“I’m on birth control you pig, but if you gave me anything I’ll come back here, grab my mom’s shotgun and shoot off your dick!”

I slam the door before he can respond to that. I’m shaking because I’m so mad, but more than that I’m sick inside. I talk a good game, but how could I have had unprotected sex last night? I haven’t had sex since Jack was conceived and he’s two now. It’s been a long time, but Jesus… that’s no excuse for what happened last night. I have to see my doctor. I need to get tested… I need to get…clean. I can smell him on me. Whereas this morning I was enjoying that, now that I’m fully awake and reminded what an asshole he is, it’s making me sick.

I get inside the office, lock the door and head straight to the small bathroom in my apartment quarters. I turn the water fully on hot, let the sheet fall to the ground and get in.

The water turns my skin a bright pink from the heat. I don’t care. I grab the soap and just want the smell of him gone. I loved it at first. I loved everything about last night. Hell, last night before I went to sleep I was even hoping for a repeat performance this morning, even though I knew I needed to get out of there quickly. I thought I knew how big of a jerk he was. It turns out I was nowhere close to guessing. He’s the biggest asshole I’ve ever met in my life and when you’ve had the experiences I’ve had with men, that’s saying something.

