God of Pain (Legacy of Gods #2) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Legacy of Gods Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 143453 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 717(@200wpm)___ 574(@250wpm)___ 478(@300wpm)

“Such as… Wait a fucking second, were you getting all mushy with Lan because of this?” His brow furrows. “You can’t trust that snake. Any action he takes is purely for self-serving purposes.”

“And you’re different because…”

“I’m you brother. I wouldn’t hurt you.”

I release a sigh. “I know. But let me have this, Eli. If I don’t, I’ll never find the closure I need. I’ll never be…whole.”

“Bloody hell. Mum would undoubtedly cry if she heard that.”

“Don’t ever mention this to her.” I stare at the wall. “I hate this part of me that’s unable to move on from the past, despite having Mum, Dad, and our whole family. I tried to leave it behind, but the demons never disappear.”

My brother remains silent, probably because he doesn’t understand what the fuck I’m talking about, but he’s still there for me, listening and offering a part of himself he never gives anyone.

And I’m grateful for that.

After a while, he inches closer. “What’s the information you gathered from that slimy fucker Lan?”

“He said I was born in the United States, in New York City, to be more specific. He’s currently searching for my birth last name and the circumstances that surrounded all that hell.”

“You could’ve hired a PI instead of relying on that snake.”

“I did, but all information about my past was wiped clean. Probably by Dad and our grandfathers.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised. They never liked to talk about your past. So in that case, how can Lan get his hands on the information concerning your past?”

“He said he had a hunch, that he won’t reveal yet, and he figured out another way to get information.”

“Sounds fishy.”

“Lan’s hunches are always right.”

“And always get those involved in deep shit.”

“I’ve come this far. It goes without saying that I’m ready to make some sacrifices.”

“Some are more than you can pay.”

“I’ll deal with those when they happen.”

He shakes his head, seeming absolutely displeased. Eli has always hated it whenever I put myself in an unfavorable position.


“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine,” I say.

“Who’s worried, you little shit? If you have the audacity to get hurt, I won’t let you live it down.”

A small smile grazes my lips.

He side-eyes me “Why are you smiling like a creep?”

“It’s weird how you hate everyone but have always refused to leave me alone.”

“Didn’t have a choice. When Mum and Dad shoved you in my face, I had two options, like you or kill you. I would’ve gone for the second one, but I figured that would be frowned upon by our parents, so I had no choice but to like you.”

“Must’ve been a struggle.”

“I know, right? The worst of all. You’re a lucky son of a bitch.”

“Thanks, Eli.”

He grabs me by the shoulder and runs his fingers under my chin. “There’s no thanks between brothers, punk. Now, let’s use the free time you have for something productive.”

“Such as?”

A wolfish grin stretches his lips. “Landon is stalling and is probably gatekeeping information to keep a leash on you. I have the perfect solution to force his hand.”



“Annika is not allowed to leave the perimeter of the property until further notice.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jeremy nods at his guards and strides inside the house.

I hop off his bike—that he never allows anyone to ride and only let me out of necessity—and run after him. His steps are so wide that it takes me a while to reach him and grab his arm, forcing him to come to a halt—or I think I do—in the entrance hall.

He faces me with drawn brows, a dark expression, and tense muscles. This has been his state ever since we left the grocery store.

I love my brother, I truly do, but I don’t recognize him sometimes. Or more like, I don’t recognize the darkness that flows inside him, barely tucked beneath the surface.

“Do you have an objection, Anoushka?”

“Of course I do. You can’t just lock me up every time you decide to, Jer.” My voice softens. “I’m not a dog.”

“I wouldn’t have had to do this if you weren’t roaming around the Elites bastards.”

“Creighton is not a member of the club.”

“His cousin is.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. You’re rivals with the Elites, not with everyone at REU. Creighton has never taken part in their activities.”

“Are you sure about that? Because no matter how much I go over it in my head, his sudden appearance during the fire is suspicious.”

“I told you. It wasn’t sudden—”

“Spare me the bullshit. You think I haven’t figured out you were covering up for him?”

My spine jerks upright. “You knew?”

“Sure did.”

“Then… Why did you let it slide?”

“Because he saved you and me. Not to mention that Gareth found evidence that the Serpents were behind that fire.” He steps closer. “But that doesn’t mean he wasn’t aware of it. Perhaps he plotted it with that deranged cousin of his, then appeared at the right moment to be seen as a savior.”

