God of Pain (Legacy of Gods #2) Read Online Rina Kent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Legacy of Gods Series by Rina Kent

Total pages in book: 144
Estimated words: 143453 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 717(@200wpm)___ 574(@250wpm)___ 478(@300wpm)

My feet come to a halt despite myself.

She played dirty and asked me to trust her, so I can’t just pummel her brother and glue her to my side.

As much as I dislike letting her go, I choose to trust her.

Because, unlike her brother, I believe she’s an adult with her own decisions and choice.

Still, I fetch my phone and type her a text.

Creighton: You only have a day to make him change his mind or we’re doing it my way.

I’m unable to sleep.

An occurrence that’s never happened in my life.

Ever since I was a child, sleeping has been the one activity I could effortlessly fall into.

Not tonight.

I stare at my phone long enough to drill holes in it. Annika hasn’t replied, and I shouldn’t really be bothering her in case she’s busy talking with her fucker of a brother.

Or she’s asleep.

A few notifications from the group chat appear at the top of the screen, and since I’m bored, I click on them.

Remington: If any of you bitches try to sabotage my orgy, I swear on my lordship’s title that I will be coming after your balls.

Landon: I’ll join.

Remington: Not a fucking chance. You’ll just steal all the attention.

Landon: Don’t be stingy, Rems. Bros before hoes, remember?

Remington: Go find your own orgy. You don’t see me hijacking your fun. Besides, this is special since we’re celebrating my win tonight.

Landon: Bran wins all the time. You don’t see him flaunting his dick for anyone to see. Isn’t that right @Brandon King?

Remington: Or that’s what you think *laughing out loud emoji* *winking emoji* *side eye emoji*

Landon: Details?

Remington: Let’s just say Bran surprised my lordship and it takes a lot to do that.

Brandon: Shut up, Remi.

Remington: Yes, sir. Off to go now. If I somehow die in the throes of pleasure, write ‘He died doing what he loves the most’ on my tombstone and tell my parents and grandparents that I love them. My spawn, too. You better miss me @Creighton King

Eli: Pretty sure he won’t. In fact, he’ll be happy to be rid of your bothersome clinginess.

Remington: Shut up, you unfeeling, antagonistic, crazy psycho.

Landon: It’s true, though. Creigh couldn't care less about you, no matter how much you try. How does it feel to be unimportant?

Creighton: You are important to me, Remi.

There’s a long pause, people typing at the same time. Then all the replies come at once.

Remington: Totally screenshotted that, will frame it and hang it in my room. You can’t take it back, spawn.

Landon: Who are you and what have you done with our silent Creighton?

Brandon: Is it really you, Creigh?

Eli: Emergency state. He must’ve been kidnapped.

Remington: You guys are just jealous. Go die.

Then he sends a series of evil laughing GIFs.

I throw my phone aside, use my hand as a pillow, and stare at the ceiling.

A dark ball jumps onto my chest and I sigh as Tiger decorates my T-shirt with his hair.

This cat is another reminder of Annika. Of her sweet smiles when she sees him and the baby voice she uses to talk to him.

“Listen here, you little twat.” I hold him up so I’m staring at him. “No more climbing onto her shoulder or head or I’ll throw you out on the streets.”

He merely glares at me with those hooded eyes the way snobbish cats do and attempts to scratch me.


I can’t believe I’m both talking to a cat and jealous of it.

My door slams against the wall as my brother strolls inside with the nonchalance of a jaded warrior.

Tiger jumps, then runs out, probably to find Brandon. He’s his favorite after Annika.

Eli stops by the side of my bed, stares down at me with a critical gaze, and crosses his arms. “You’re not kidnapped. Wait, have you lost your phone…” he trails off, a frown etching between his brows when he sees it on the side table.

Instead of buggering off and leaving me alone, Eli sits on the edge of the mattress and runs his fingers beneath my chin. “What’s going on, baby bro? Is someone bothering you? Who should I maim to pieces, then dump their remains in the sea?”

“Forget it.”

“Bullshit. If it’s affecting you to the point that you’re not only texting, but also defending Remi instead of drowning in sleep, I need to know about it.”

I let out a long breath. Eli is no different than a dog with a bone, and he absolutely won’t leave me alone until he gets what he wants.

And at the moment, maybe I can use his ‘wisdom’ to find a solution.

“Jeremy caught me with Annika in a grocery store and she went back with him.”

Eli’s movements halt beneath my chin, but he doesn’t remove his hand. “And? Did you beat him to a pulp?”

“I wanted to. I still do, but Annika intervened.”

“I see.”

My eyes meet his muted ones, and it reminds me of those times we got in trouble—because of his anarchist plans—and he tried everything under the sun to come out unscathed.

