Giving Chase Read online Riley Hart (Havenwood #1)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Havenwood Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 84227 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 421(@200wpm)___ 337(@250wpm)___ 281(@300wpm)

I kept seeing Buck grab me, which morphed into me being back in that apartment in Richmond all those years ago.

Closing my eyes, I counted backward, focusing on trying to calm myself, to center myself. I’d been taught that in therapy, which I’d attended for a couple of years after the Richmond incident.

It took me a few minutes to catch my breath. I wiped the stray tears that had managed to leak from my eyes, then shoved to my feet. All that over a fucking art class? I didn’t understand it, couldn’t make sense of what was wrong with people. Why the hell did they care so much about art or being feminine or whatever bullshit excuse Buck had? Or maybe it was me. Because I was soft and gay and he didn’t want me near his son.

Fuck him.

All I knew was that I wasn’t going to back down. There was no way Buck would talk me out of teaching his son. As long as I could do it with Buck Jr. staying safe, I sure as shit wasn’t walking away.

“How does my ass look in these jeans?” I asked Josh as I stepped out of the bathroom of one of the hotel rooms we’d gotten for the night. When we came to Richmond, we always got two connecting rooms because that was how we rolled.

“Your ass looks good in whatever you wear, and don’t pretend you don’t know it. Stop fishing for compliments,” Josh replied from where he lounged on the hotel bed, looking through his phone.

“Are you on Grindr?”

He grinned. “Maybe.”

“You don’t plan to spend any time with me at all tonight, do you? You made me come with you, and you’re going to ditch me the second a pretty boy pays you any attention.” Not that I could blame him. I was typically the same when we came here. I mean, why else go to Richmond if not to get laid—well, and to dance.

But this time felt…different, and I wasn’t going to let myself admit why.

“You’re normally doing the same. You should be doing the same tonight.” Josh cocked a brow at me.

“Get out of my head.” It felt like he always knew what I was thinking. “And who said I don’t plan on hooking up tonight?” Again, I knew I should. Chase and I weren’t serious or committed. We were friends with benefits, but Jesus, the thought of someone else touching me made my skin crawl.

“I’ll bet you money you don’t. Kell…”

I held up my hand to stop him before he went any further. “I don’t want to do this with you tonight. I want to have fun. I want to dance with you and flirt with you and then maybe we’ll each bring someone back to our rooms, okay?”

Liar, liar, pants on fire. I so wasn’t taking anyone back to my room.

“Sure, fine. Whatever.” Josh played it off like it was a joke, but I could tell he was frustrated with me. “Why are you wearing a long-sleeved shirt? It’s hot as balls outside.”

“Eh.” I shrugged. “Because it looks good on me.” The truth was, I’d always bruised easily. Sometimes there would be a big purple mark on my arm or leg, and I’d have no idea how I got it. This time I knew, though, and if anyone else saw, they would know it didn’t come from a random bump. It was in the very distinct shape of a hand being wrapped around my arm.

Obviously, I hadn’t told Josh what happened earlier that day. Or Griff, or Chase. I didn’t need any of them rushing to my rescue simply because Buck was pissed his son was taking an art class in case it meant he would become queer like me. I fucking hated people.

Josh and I finished getting ready. On our way out, I checked my phone, wondering if there would be a text from Chase. I wanted that, but really, there was no reason for him to text. To tell me to have fun? To say he missed me?

We’re not a couple, we’re not a couple, we’re not a couple. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to keep reminding myself of that fact.

The club was already packed when Josh and I arrived. I shoved my phone into my pocket, determined I would not look for another text from Chase.

Tonight I was going to drink, have fun with Josh…and maybe find a guy to remind me that Chase wasn’t the only man with a great cock and that there were other guys interested in me.

The drinking part went well. Even the having-fun part. Josh and I danced close, touching and rubbing and laughing together, but I knew I wouldn’t hook up with anyone. I only wanted Chase Hawthorne.



I checked my phone for what had to be the twentieth time, wondering if Kellan was having a good time in Richmond.

