Fool Me Once Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32859 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 110(@300wpm)

Glancing at the time, he saw it was getting late, and he didn’t want Leah coming home to nothing, so he made his way downstairs. It had been a long time since he had cooked anything for anyone.

He gripped the back of his neck as he stared at the kitchen. He could leave it until Leah got home, and make her cook for him, or he could make it up to her and cook her something.

He didn’t want her to starve, so he got busy preparing something. The chef that worked for him always cooked everything from scratch, and as he looked into the fridge and freezer, he couldn’t see a damn thing that could easily be slid into the oven and cooked.

Gritting his teeth, he took a deep breath and then got busy preparing some food. Before he had a chef and money, he cooked for himself. It had been a task he no longer needed to concern himself with. Right at that very moment, he didn’t even know why he allowed his staff a random day. They needed to earn their fucking wage.

Pushing his anger aside, as it wasn’t going to change the fact he had to cook, he rolled up his sleeves and started making food.

Chapter Five

Leah hated mindlessly window-shopping. There was a time she enjoyed staring through the windows, looking at all the impressive things on offer. As a kid, she would imagine herself as an adult, being able to buy things. Now, she had the money and the means to get them, but she didn’t want them.

All she wanted to do was to be away from Cain, but even that was impossible for her as he placed one of his guards on her. She didn’t even need to turn around to know he was there, waiting, watching, observing.

Rather than get angry, she kept walking. The streets were busy, but she didn’t pay much attention to the people milling about. She was much more interested in what was going on back home. Leah had left Cain behind in the hope of clearing her head, and now it didn’t feel clear. She didn’t feel anything.

It had been a good few years since she had run away from her problems. She tended to stand and face them head-on.

Running a hand down her face, she blew out a breath as she climbed into her car and made her way back to the house. The guard followed her all the way to the main gate. She had no doubt Cain got the message she was home, even before she got there.

Parking the car, she sat back and waited. Last night had been a disaster.

Now, she wasn’t the kind of woman to have expected sunshine and rainbows. She’d never even taken time to think about what it would be like to be with a man. Sex and men hadn’t appealed. But, last night had gone so wrong. It wasn’t even funny.

Grabbing the keys from the ignition, she stepped out of the car and made her way up the steps. It was already starting to get dark, and the temperature had dropped.

She stepped into the main hallway and was instantly attacked with a horrid scent.

“What is that?” she asked. She made her way toward the main kitchen, where she found Cain with a frying pan, poised over the sink. It looked like there might have been flames at some point, but now there were none. There was smoke, and a rather red-faced Cain.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

Cain turned toward her and carefully put the frying pan into the sink.

“Leah,” he said.

“Cain,” she said.

“You’re home.”

“And you’re attempting to burn it down?” she asked.

“I am not attempting to do anything of the sort. I am attempting to make dinner.”


“Yes, dinner. You know, for you to enjoy.”

Leah stared at him for a few seconds, because she couldn’t quite comprehend what he was saying, and then it was like something clicked inside her brain, and she knew what he was trying to say.

“You’re trying to cook me dinner?” she asked.

She glanced around the kitchen, and knew Frank, his chef, was not going to be pleased. Not that he’d say anything to his boss. No one would dare disagree with Cain. She couldn’t blame them. This man was scary, and he didn’t even need to try.


“What are you trying to cook?” she asked.

From the smell, she would guess garbage, but again, she didn’t say anything.

Cain looked at her, and he wasn’t entertained. “Are you even hungry, or did you sneak in some food while…” He trailed off without finishing his sentence.

Leah couldn’t help but smile. “Your guy wasn’t inconspicuous to me, but then I know what I’m looking for.” She stepped into the kitchen and rolled up her sleeve. “I am starving, but I’m not that desperate for food that I’d be willing to eat it, so how about I take over?” she asked.

