Fight for You Read Online Jayda Marx

Categories Genre: College, Insta-Love, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 20011 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 100(@200wpm)___ 80(@250wpm)___ 67(@300wpm)

For the first time since my step dad hurt me, I was thinking about sex in a positive light; even with hope in my heart. It was something I wanted to try again; but only with Troy. His patience and care had made me comfortable enough to consider it.

Plus, I trusted that if we tried and I wasn’t able to, he wouldn’t get mad at or resent me. I trusted him with my feelings. I was falling hard and fast for the guy. That also increased my sexual appetite; I loved him, and I wanted to share that love with him in every way. When the time was right, and he felt the same things for me, I was ready to try.

“You’ll see,” Troy answered as he opened the door to the building. He was such a gentleman, always opening doors and pulling out my chair. “I think this place will be a lot of fun. If you like it, we can come back often; it’ll help increase your endurance.”

I was doing well with my defense training. I was picking up the moves quickly and learning the techniques. My main problem was that I got tired easily. I wasn’t used to a lot of exercise, and it didn’t take much to tucker my body out.

We walked inside and I smiled at the sight of wall to wall trampolines. Hell, there were even some on the walls, which kids were throwing themselves onto before landing on the bouncy floor. The place was full of mostly children, although there were a few adults (including us). Troy didn’t seem to mind, though; he was examining the place with an excited grin.

That was another thing I loved about him; he had an adventurous spirit and wasn’t afraid of judgment about things he wanted to do. He jumped into life with both feet and didn’t waste time on what other people thought.

“What do you think?” he asked, turning his attention to me.

“I think it looks like a blast.”

He beamed through a, “Great!”, before pressing a kiss to my temple. He never shied away from showing me affection. At first, it took some getting used to; I’d hidden my actions away from prying eyes for a long time. But I felt safe with Troy. He would protect me from anyone, in any situation. “I’ll go get our tickets.”

Troy paid for our entry, as usual. I never expected him to cover all of our expenses, but I appreciated it so much. All of my time was consumed by full time classes, so I wasn’t able to hold down a job. I received a full-ride scholarship to college due to my grades in high school, and I was living off of the surplus, after courses and books were paid for.

We stopped at a row of shelves to remove our shoes, and Troy emptied his phone and keys from his pockets. “Shall we?”

“Let’s do it.”

He held my hand to help me keep balanced as we walked out onto the trampolines. The mat was springy beneath my feet, and I chuckled at the way it dipped much lower beneath Troy.

“I double checked for a weight limit before we came,” he admitted with a smirk. “I wanted to make sure my big ass wouldn’t rip these things.”

“I love your big ass.”

A laugh rumbled deep in his chest, but just as he leaned in to thank me with a kiss, the trampoline shifted as someone else jumped onto it with us. I got knocked off balance, and fell onto my butt just as I saw a cute, curly-haired kid bounce past us in a blur.

“Brady, be careful!” a voice called out. Troy helped me onto my feet just as a tall, handsome man appeared before us. “I’m so sorry; my son is a wild child. Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah, I’m just fine,” I chuckled. “I’m glad he’s having fun.”

“Daddy, come on!” Brady yelled from the distance, where he stood next to another handsome man, with matching curls.

“Duty calls,” the man said with a smile. “Have a good day, guys.”

“You too,” Troy and I both answered as he bounced away and scooped up his son, holding him upside down as the little boy squealed with delight.

“Cute kid,” Troy said, and I nodded my agreement. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow in question. “Do you want kids?”

Over the past few weeks, we’d discussed everything from our favorite things to our future career and life goals, but we hadn’t broached the subject of children. But I was happy he asked; I wanted to discuss everything with him.

“I do one day,” I answered with a shrug, making him smile. “I want to be secure in a good career and relationship, but then I would love to adopt a little one and give them the best life possible.” I wanted to shower a child in need with all the love I never felt.

