Dragon Royal Bastards MC – Tulsa, OK Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, M-M Romance, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

“Fuck me, Chase. Fuck me like I belong to you.”

He doesn’t get pissy at the use of his real name and I don’t apologize for it. It felt right coming out of my mouth in this moment. Together, we’re sharing something that has nothing to do with the Royal Bastards. This is just us. Chase and Cove.

He drives into me hard, one fluid thrust of his hips. His thickness stretches me to the point of pain and the conditioner creates a stinging burn that makes me aware of every nerve ending inside of my asshole. I cry out, overcome with the way he obliterates me. He digs his fingers into my flesh, no doubt bruising me with his brutal grip. All I can do is hold on to the wall for dear life as he thunders his hips against me. The slap of our skin echoes loudly, but our moans are much louder. His dick is long, stabbing at my insides, making sure I’ll never forget the way he feels in me.

A guttural growl rips from his throat and he sinks his teeth into my shoulder. His cock swells, stretching me even further, and then I feel it pulsate inside me, filling me with his cum. I like the idea of him filling me to the brim. The warmth of it staying inside me until he’s ready to lick and suck it back out.

He pulls me upright, hugging me against his chest, still impaling me despite the softening of his cock. Something about this moment feels raw and dangerous. Like if we have any more, we’ll be beyond itch-scratching territory and in some other land we’ll never find our way out of.

It scares me to death because Dragon isn’t some normal guy.

He’s fucked-up beyond belief.

And I guess it makes me fucked-up too, which is a really hard pill to swallow.

“We should sleep,” I choke out, needing for us to break this physical and emotional connection before it’s too late. “Tomorrow is a big day.”

He rests his forehead against the back of my head. “I can’t sleep. Not when he has my brother.”

The hoarse, pained way he says his words has me melting in his arms. It’s difficult to keep a wall up between us when he shows me more and more of his human side. A side of him I really like and want to know more about.

I turn my head, seeking out his mouth with mine. My kiss is a promise. I’ll distract him and then we’ll get his brother back.

What happens between the two of us after that is anyone’s guess.


I wake to the smell of coffee and him.


His naked body is pressed against mine, his thigh smashing my morning wood. Sun streams in through the window, which means I need to get my ass out of bed.

I don’t want to move, though.

Moving means facing reality. The reality is Night Giant has my brother. God only knows what that sicko is doing to him. Today, we’ll find him. We have to.

Until it’s time, I cling to this moment of peacefulness for a few seconds longer.

Running my fingers through his hair, I revel in the softness. Is this how Koyn and Copper feel all loved up with their bitches? There’s definitely an appeal to waking to someone in your arms. Someone who knows you’re a fucking bastard but wants you anyway.

“My boy tamed the beast.”

I freeze at the sound of Nees’s voice. “What the fuck are you doing in my room, asswipe?”

A chair creaks and he walks over to where I can see him. The kid is spry for this early in the morning, grinning like a goddamn idiot.

“Brought coffee and donuts. Prez said I was in charge of waking you two up. He gave me a keycard.” He shrugs. “Didn’t expect to see the two of you cuddling like a couple of lovebirds, though. I halfway expected to walk in on some demonic bloodplay kinky shit or something.”

“Fuck off, Nees.”

“Nah. Not until you’re awake, caffeinated, and dressed. Prez says we’re meeting in his suite at nine. Everyone’s here.”

But not everyone.

Neither Koyn, nor Copper, would leave their women unprotected. If I had to guess, Halo or Payne stayed back to hold down the fort.

“Please tell me I won’t have to look at Filter’s bitch-ass face this morning,” I complain, still unable to keep from stroking Cove’s soft hair. “I’m not in the mood.”

“I think Filter is going to be lying low.”

“Since when?”

“Since Bermuda busted him fucking Calla last night.”

Cove shoots up, his hair wild and a ferocious expression on his face. “He did what?”

Nees barks out a laugh, shrugging. “Fucked your sister, man. Nasty style. Stormy is going to lose her shit.”

“Stormy?” Cove growls. “I’m going to lose my shit. Filter needs to stay the fuck away from my sister.”

