Dragon Royal Bastards MC – Tulsa, OK Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, M-M Romance, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

His taste is good.

Smoky and addictive.

I want more, but all too soon he’s done, his cock spent and dripping. I lick off what I can around my mouth. My fingers go to drag some off my cheek and into my mouth, but he stops me with a painful grip on my wrist. His other hand seizes my neck and he slams me onto my back on the bed.

“Dragon,” I croak out, panic rising and tainting his name on my lips.

He smiles at me. Beautiful and wicked. Such a dangerous smile. One I shouldn’t melt beneath like a piece of chocolate under the sun’s powerful rays.

“Mine.” He runs his tongue over my cheek, licking up his own cum.


The grin is back and it sets me on fire, burning from my heart straight to my dick. I tremble, not at all hating the strong grip he has on my neck. Would he squeeze if I asked him to? Would he let go if I had enough?

As though he can read my mind, his fingers tighten around my neck. Darkness creeps around the edge of my vision and my cock pulsates with need. I want his mouth on mine. Again, he doesn’t disappoint, understanding what I need without words. His lips hover over mine as if he craves the taste of the air I expel. The hold on my throat squeezes until I nearly black out.

Pleasure zings through me, ricocheting every which way as he rubs his still-hard dick against mine. Choked breath wheezes from me. Right now, I don’t even care to breathe. I just want him to keep rubbing on me until I come.

But he grants me a reprieve, releasing my neck to chase where his hand was with his lips. He bites and sucks and licks my skin, all the while dry humping me. It feels too good. Like I’ll never get enough. Like I’ll come and come and come. And when I stop coming, I’ll get hard and come again.

Grabbing hold of his wrist, I give it a tug. He pulls back so he can stare down at me. The crazed glint in his eyes shouldn’t be a turn-on, especially since I’ve nonverbally begged him to choke me again. He clutches onto my throat, testing my limits as he squeezes.

Overwhelming pleasure tickles over each nerve ending, electrifying the darkness that’s surrounding me and making me blind. I’m drunk on the way his touch and nearness consume me.

I’m going to pass out.

Holy fuck.

The world tilts and shudders as my nuts seize up. Heat gushes between us. I’m in another dimension, lost in insane pleasure, chased by a dangerous dragon.

Air suddenly floods into my lungs, and with it, my vision clears. Hovering over me is the most beautiful, most terrifying man I’ve ever encountered.

A jarring thought shakes me to my core…

I’m going to let this man—this monster consume every part of me.

No regrets.

I fucking ache for it.

There are some paths that a man won’t survive.

And this one, I know for a fact, I will not survive.

My dick, my heart, and my stupid-ass brain don’t even care.


I feel so…alive.

He’s rushing through my veins, fiery and uncontrollable.

More. I need more. No, I need it all.

His body. His dick. His ass. His lips.


As he comes down from his orgasm high, his long lashes flutter against his flushed cheeks. I crave to touch him, but for now, I settle for drinking in each detail about him.

Perfect lips remain parted as he sucks in air, filling his lungs that were deprived only moments ago. When he realizes I’m staring at him, his face blossoms into a dark, rosy pink.

“Um, good night,” he rasps out, his voice hoarse from where I’d gripped his neck.

Amused by his awkwardness, I roll off him, resting on my side. I’m not going anywhere. I plan to stare at him as he sleeps. I want to memorize this night and the way I feel.


I feel fucking normal.

For years and years, I’ve existed, living on nothing but anger and the thirst for revenge. But these past few days with Cove, something has changed. I can’t pinpoint the exact moment or why or how, just that it did.

And I don’t hate it.

In fact, I have this overwhelming craving for more. This desire to grab up more moments like this so I can remember what it felt like to be Chase. Just a happy guy who loved to fuck around and play basketball. A guy who had annoying siblings and hovering parents. Just a normal damn guy.

“Dragon…” Cove trails off, choosing to gnaw on his bottom lip rather than finish whatever it was he was going to say.

“Got a smoke?” I ask, ignoring the hints he’s throwing down for me to leave. Fat fucking chance. I’m too interested in this feeling. I’m not going anywhere.

“Dresser,” he croaks out. “Mind handing me boxers?”

