Dragon Royal Bastards MC – Tulsa, OK Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, M-M Romance, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

His jaw clenches and he nods, still unable to look me in the eye. “Bye, Baby Prospect.”

The coldness in his words and the distance he’s quickly putting between us makes me sick to my stomach, but I respect his need for self-preservation. I was only imprisoned in that shithole for a short time and it was enough to make me an emotional basket case. I can’t imagine being taken as a teenager and spending many years in captivity.

Maybe this is the end for us.

One look at his handsome face and I know it’s another lie I tell myself.

This is only the beginning of something complicated and real and earth-shattering. Something I’m not going to survive. Something I can’t even begin to protect myself from.

I watch as he climbs out of bed and yanks his clothes on, each colorful back muscle rippling with the effort. Such a beautiful creature.


Green eyes sweep over me, darkening as he takes in my wrecked, abused body sprawled out on the bed. “Hmm?”

“Leave me alone.” I scowl at him, hiding my smile. “Forever.”

The tension bleeds from him as a grin curls his lips up and reveals all his perfect white teeth. “You know I can’t do that. Not anymore.”

That’s what I was counting on.


He laughs, winks, and then strides out of my room—out of my world—like he didn’t just take my heart with him.

I am so fucked.

Literally. Figuratively. Completely.

And, for the first time in years, there’s a stirring in my gut. An excitement, a thrill. Something unfamiliar but all-consuming.


It’s within reach. I just have to find a way to grab onto it.


Katana’s presence the moment I step out of the clubhouse into the sticky Oklahoma afternoon is a salve to my singed soul. After fucking Cove, my mind is a goddamn mess. I can’t shake away the terror that crept up on me.

Night Giant.

Most days, I can keep him on the pedestal where I throw all my mental hatred at him and fantasize all the ways I’ll gut him like a fish.

Not today.

Today, he’s a shadowy monster looming in my subconscious. Laughing at me. Reaching for me. Threatening me. No matter how hard I try to shake him from my head, he’s there, suffocating me with his malevolence.

I’ll never escape him.

Not until he’s dead.

This shit has gone on long enough.

“I got your back, bro,” Katana murmurs, voice hard with steely resolve.

He’s always had my back. No matter what. Katana saved me all those years ago when I made my escape out of Night Giant’s sick fucking hold. If it weren’t for Katana, I’d be dead by now. There’s no doubt in my mind. Had I not escaped, I would’ve figured out a way to take my own life eventually.

Laughter in the main house garage echoes loudly, beckoning me toward it. Katana is right behind me, ready to back me up no matter what. Koyn and Copper are standing side by side like a couple of behemoth brotherly tattooed beasts wearing matching smirks as Nees no doubt fucks up another one of his bikes. The kid’s gone through more bikes than our whole club combined. Clumsy ass motherfucker.

“Prez,” I grind out. “A word.”

Copper’s amusement fades away as he scrutinizes me in that ex-Fed way he’s perfected. Like he can cut me open and find answers if he chooses to. I give him the finger before ignoring him completely.

“If you’re coming to tell me you accidentally killed BP in some kinky-ass sex games,” Koyn drawls out, “I don’t want to hear about it. I’m not dealing with Stormy. You can tell her you fucked her brother to death yourself.”

Nees barks out a laugh from nearby. Before I can retaliate, Katana rests an encouraging hand on my shoulder. All irritation for Nees evaporates in an instant.

“I’ll make sure he’s still alive,” Copper deadpans. “Katana?”

Katana waits for my approval. I give him a clipped nod. Behind me, Nees complains as Copper herds him out of the garage.

Just me and Prez and my fury.

“I want him dead.”


I crack my neck, pinning him with a cool glare. “Fuck off.”

“You’re a real pain in my ass, you know that?” Koyn’s tone is gruff, but there’s a hint of affection beneath it all. It’s a reminder a man, a father, a husband lives inside the crazy fucking Royal Bastard.

“My patience is gone. Fucking gone. I’m going whether you allow me to or not.”

Koyn scowls, the scars on his face pinching at the movement. “Give me a couple of weeks to formulate a plan—”


“You’re fucking insane if you think I’m going to go for that.”

“Animal has eyes on that trailer. The only place Night Giant goes is to the local grocery store to buy toilet paper to wipe his ass and food. He’s right there, Prez. I can’t fucking sit still or relax knowing he’s right there within reach.”

