Dragon Royal Bastards MC – Tulsa, OK Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, M-M Romance, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 70651 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 283(@250wpm)___ 236(@300wpm)

His obsession with leaving marks on my neck is annoying.

And yet…I don’t use my safeword.

It feels too good. Too perfect. Too real.

Days ago, I was pining over Nick and the shitty crumbs he offered me. With Dragon, it’s no comparison. Everything is so intense and over the top. Like it’s not enough and too much all at once. I’m maddened more and more each second we spend alone together. He owns my body whereas I just rent it.

“Lube,” he murmurs against my throat, the sound desperate and ragged.

“Bedside drawer.”

He pulls away to reach for it. When he comes back with lube and no condom, I almost confront him about it. Last night, we were reckless and unsafe. I’m of a right mind and should tell him to suit up.

I don’t.

I nibble on my bottom lip as I watch him slick up his gorgeous cock. I’m desperate to have him slide into me. To take my anal virginity and fuck me like the madman he is.

“Let me see your tight hole,” he commands, nudging my thighs apart. “Now, baby.”

Not Baby Prospect. Just baby. That’s the second time he’s called me that.

A flush of warmth flutters over my skin as I spread my legs, letting him see the part of me that needs him to fill it up. His green eyes flicker with lust that matches my own and he takes the time to admire it before sliding a slippery finger inside. I shamelessly lift my hips, trying to force him deeper within me. A smirk tugs at his lips and he pushes another finger in.

“More,” I beg. “I need more.”

A third joins the first two, and though it’s a tight squeeze that burns, it just makes me hungrier to have his dick inside me. He stretches me, rubbing in all the right spots before he pulls out and flashes me a devilish grin.


“Fuck yes.”

He grabs hold of his dick with one hand and plants the other on the bed beside my head. His gaze locks on mine, penetrating the deepest, loneliest parts of me. He marches right inside my mind, parks his ass, and camps out.

“Ahh,” I cry out as he slowly presses into me.

I’d assumed that my first time like this would be quick and painful. Dragon, though, has proven to be a giving lover and takes his time. Wonder shines in his eyes, as if he can’t believe this is happening between us. I’m not far behind him on that thought.

Outside of this bedroom, we don’t make sense. He pisses me off and we argue. Because of our pasts that intertwine, I should hate him. Maybe, at one time, I did.

Not anymore.

Not since we crossed this line between love and hate. Our bodies don’t hate each other at all, which leaves us sitting on the other side of the line. It’s more than like or lust. It’s something else entirely. Fiery and hot. Soul crushing and spellbinding.

A ragged breath blows past Dragon’s lips, his eyelids partially closing in pleasure. The burning as he enters me is uncomfortable but not unwanted. I like the feel of him stretching and filling me. Like he’s staking a claim from the inside out. He pushes the rest of the way in, his groin grinding against me. I try to reach him with my lips, silently begging for a kiss.

Lips crash to mine, hard and unapologetic.

He kisses me like I have answers to questions he desperately needs answers to. Dragon doesn’t just kiss me—he consumes me. His hips begin a rhythmic dance as he strokes in and out of me. The fullness of him inside my body is dizzying. I like him on top of me, in me, kissing me, fucking me. It’s the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced.

I lose all sense of reality and time.

All I know in these seconds, minutes, hours is him. Just him. His body, his taste, his scent. Dragon is everywhere all at once. In me, on me, flowing through my veins like hot lava. Nothing else matters but the way he ravishes me and fills me to the brim with his fiery-hot essence.

He loses control, his thrusting becoming more claiming and nearly violent. Too easily, he manhandles my wrists until he’s pinned them both with one of his massive, tattooed hands. I’m at his mercy. His sex captive. His willing prey.

The safeword is a lifeline I don’t reach out for.

I ignore it, sinking deeper and deeper into the darkness with him.

He drowns me and I don’t care.

I want it. I need it. I demand it.

Digging my heels into his muscular ass, I silently beg for more. More chaos. More pain. More pleasure. I need it all. All at once. An obliteration of my entire being.

His wet lips tear from mine and he bites my cheek, my jaw, my neck. The way he marks me is so primal and should be annoying, but I grow harder despite just having come down his throat. My cock leaks with pre-cum, a clear indicator of how much his savagery turns me on.

