Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

Clearly everyone else was just as confused. We all went back and forth to looking at Louis and them Misha as they continued their nerdy argument.

“Yes. Yes.” Misha frowned. “The SR vegetation index is useful for determining areas where military underground structures are present—”

“Unless, Fela had a genius install technology that could mess with the indexes.” Louis winked. “Then, a satellite couldn’t find them.”

Misha twisted his face in confusion. “I count five people in the world that could trick my satellites. I am one of them. The other four are presently working around me.”

“And then there is a sixth person that is sitting at this table.” Louis beamed with pride.

Doubt filled Misha's eyes. “I want to see this technology.”

“Not happening, Mosquito.” Louis wagged his finger again. “I will simply find Black Axe's bunkers for you and then give the location to the Lion—”

“I don't need your help.” Misha's jaw twitched.

“Yet, you need my technology—?”

“To study it?”

“To copy it.”

“I would never!”

“I don't know what you would do, Mosquito.”

Kaz barged into the conversation. “He is not the Mosquito. He is the Panther.”

Valentina chuckled. “The what?”

Kaz shrugged. “Panthers have stealth—”

“Panthers don't exist.” Valentina chuckled. “He is the Mosquito.”

“Hold on.” Misha held up his hand and looked to the side. Someone must have been talking to him. A grim expression spread across his face. He bobbed his head and returned his view to us. “Kazimir, they are heading your way.”

Blood rushed to my head and my heart beat loudly in my ears like a war drum signaling the beginning of chaos.

Everyone stared at Kaz, waiting for his order.

That wicked smile returned to my baby’s face.

Oh, God. What is he up to?

Kaz looked at King David. “Then, it is Plan B.”

Chapter 17

Big Pussy Energy


The Lion looked at King David. “Then, it is Plan B.”

What does that mean?

David rose and signaled several men across the room. “Begin!”

They rushed out of the room.

Emily placed her hand on Kazimir's shoulder and whispered into his ear. The couple shifted into a hushed conversation. I wished with all my heart that I could hear what they were saying. I tilted that way to eavesdrop as much as I could and then gave up.

What’s going on?

I scanned the room to see if everyone was just as confused as me.

Jean-Pierre watched Emily and Kazimir, surely trying to spy too.

David headed to Maxwell. Harlem Crew hurried over and surrounded them. They went right into conversation. Once again, I wished I were privy to what was being said. While I desperately wanted to get up and go over there to hear what David was telling Max, my position was at Emily's side.

The Mouse's safety was my only focus. This was the hardest part of being so low in the ranks. The bosses ordered. People like me followed, not knowing what sort of danger we were rushing into.

What is plan B and will this end the war?

A knot formed in my stomach.

Whatever it was, we needed to put it into place soon. Misha had said that the Mancuso family had gathered Gallo soldiers and gypsies to come kill us. Our enemies outnumbered us by the hundreds.

I breathed in and out, calming myself.

Whatever the plan is. . .the Lion will get us out of Italy safely?

I put my view in front of me.

Giorgio's gaze met mine. He had clearly been watching me the whole time. And, unfortunately, it was hard for me to move my gaze from his.

Giorgio’s handsome face possessed the symmetry of one of those classical Roman statues that depicted a mystical god. Plus, those eyes sparkled just like the diamonds on his tie pin and cufflinks.

As usual, he dressed elegantly, outdoing all the men’s fashion in the room.

Earlier, I had done my best to pay attention to the information in the meeting, but sometimes I looked at David and Giorgio, wondering which one of them sent the roses. Every now and then, I caught them both glancing my way.

However, when Giorgio tried to give me his guns during the meeting, I took that as a confirmation that it was him who had sent the roses. Now, I didn’t know what I would do with that information.

Should I say something to him?

I still wasn't sure how I felt about Giorgio delivering the blue roses. A relationship with the Butler could not work for so many reasons.

I can’t worry about that now. I have to think about what this plan B is. . .

To my shock, Giorgio leaned forward and kept his voice low. “I really like what you are wearing today, Blue.”

Stunned, I swallowed. “Umm. . .thank you.”

More men headed out of the room. This time some were Harlem Crew.

Where are they going?

Then, the TV screen showing the Mosquito shut off.

What is going to happen?

Clearly unfazed, Giorgio continued to whisper to me, “Do you have my panties?”

