Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

Giorgio grimaced. “I have seen where you put your dirty hands, King David, I expect them to be fully cleaned before they are handed back to me or—”

“You can expect all you want.”

Giorgio pointed at him. “If they are not cleaned—”

“Keep your threats to yourself, Butler.” David growled. “You do not want to dance with me. If I remember correctly, you did not appreciate the way I spun you around Paris.”

“I remember differently.”

“Do you?”

“I remember knocking off your crown several times.” Giorgio looked around. “In fact, I see you still have not found it, yet you call yourself king.”

Louis snickered.

“I don't call myself king, my men do.” David handed the guns to Wassily who had hurried to our side of the room. “It's a sign of respect. Something you know nothing about.”

Max loudly coughed, “Management.”

Management? What the fuck is he talking about? Is he telling JP to get Giorgio in check?

“Enough.” Kaz scooted his chair back up and raised his voice. “Butler, I have had quite enough of you disturbing our meetings with your bullshit.”

David sat back down.

J.P. tilted forward and scowled at his cousin.

Giorgio pursed his lips together.

Meanwhile, I glanced Blue's way.

Shock hit her face, but she did her best to maintain an all-business composure.

So. . .Giorgio likes Blue.

Misha's voice sounded from the screen. “Kazimir, I have more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. If this is going to continue to be a match of whose dick is bigger, I can leave and you can email me the results later.”

“Nothing is more important to you than this, cousin.” Kaz placed his big hands on the table. “Since, you are so ready to begin, what information do you have to add to getting rid of the Mancusos and Black Axe?”

“Hold up.” Max raised his hand.

Kaz frowned. “What?”

“I have the biggest dick in this room.”

I let out a long breath. “Come on, Max. Enough time has been wasted.”

He had the nerve to wear an innocent expression. “Em, I'm just saying.”

To my surprise, Misha chuckled. “Good one, homey.”

I rolled my eyes.

Kaz kept his view on his cousin. “Back to any news that you may have.”

“I have several things. My people have been monitoring 24-7.” Typing, Misha disappeared.

The screen shifted to a map of the Calabrian region—the stinky toe of Italy’s boot-shaped peninsula.

Misha's voice sounded from the TV. “The Gallo Family sent their women and children away. Don Fabrizio has not confirmed if you killed Bartolo or Salvatore since their bodies have not turned up, but he is pretty sure they are dead.”

Kaz threaded his fingers together. “Hmmm.”

An image of a man appeared, looking to be in his eighties. An oxygen mask covered the lower half of his pale, wrinkled face.

The Don sat in a massive bed. Gold and black velvet blankets covered his legs. IV stands and bags of clear liquid hung to his side.

Three red rotary phones rested on his nightstand. Thick cords ran from the receivers to their bases. They had huge black buttons with white numbers on them.

A fourth rotary phone was black and on his lap. The Don held the receiver close to his face as if he were in the middle of a call.

“This was taken at three in the morning.”

How did Misha's people get the picture? Is a camera in his ceiling light or something?

Kaz smirked. “And what does the Don have planned?”

“Don Fabrizio made a call to Sicily.” The map left Calabria and zipped to that city.

I thought back to Kaz's history lesson of the area.

The Calabrian region was Europe’s Cocaine Capital. It's Gioia Tauro port was considered a major hub for international drug trafficking.

West African countries served as the waypoints in the cocaine trade to Europe. The Russians provided safe passage, boats, and men from South America to West Africa. From there Black Axe oversaw all the shipments and delivered them to Gioia Tauro port.

Meanwhile, the ‘Ndrangheta controlled that port and all other Calabrian ports. That meant that they set the prices and transported drugs throughout Europe.

This made ‘Ndrangheta the most powerful out of Italy's traditional mafia organizations.

Kaz had explained that the Sicilians didn’t appreciate the Mancuso Family's rise to power.

“Interesting. The Don must be very nervous to make a call to Sicily. He wants help from the Vizzini Family.” Kaz tapped his index finger over and over. “What did they say?”

“I'll show you, cousin.”

The screen transformed to an image of four tall men standing around a gold rotary phone and staring at it. They must have been in their thirties, and they weren't bad to look at. The men wore black designer three-piece suits with red ties. White silk handkerchiefs stuffed each of their breast pockets.

However, one man had his handkerchief out of the pocket and was wiping sweat off his forehead when the picture was snapped.

I wondered if he was the leader.

