Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

I gritted my teeth. “We cannot keep him.”

“I know.”

“All of the Brotherhood sees Pavel as a traitor because he is. Therefore, the boy will carry that stain.”

“He’s been safe here—”

“No one here has bothered him because these are our most loyal men. Once we return to Russia.” I held out my hands. “There are over a million and a half brothers just in Russia. Some are violently traditional. Plus, Pavel had enemies. He was only protected because of how close he was to me. Now those enemies will take it out on his son. The boy would always have a target on his back.”

Her bottom lip quivered.

“And. . .”

Her voice cracked. “And?”

“He looks too much like Paolo. I could never. . .” I rubbed my face with both hands. “Killing Pavel was already hard but to see. . .the boy every day. . .”

“I know.” She headed away and opened the door. “I understand, Kaz.”

“Hold on, mysh. We will go together.”

“No we won’t. I’m pissed with you, but I understand.” She stomped pass David and continued walking away. “Still, I’ll meet this couple on my own.”

“Not by yourself.”

“Then, Blue will go with me.”

I rushed after her. “David can go with you—”

“I’m mad at David too!” She opened the front door of the suite and slung it open.

I gritted my teeth. “Wait!”

Out in the hallway, she turned around. “What?”

Several members of Harlem Crew gathered around her.

David followed me into the hallway.

Blue already stood next to Emily, looking utterly confused.

I did my best to calm myself. “I want to go with you.”

“And I don’t want you to come.” She sneered. “You are already making me give Paolo up, at least let me properly check them out.”

I frowned. “I want you to be. . .okay.”

She rolled her eyes and walked off. “Come on, Blue.”

I watched her stomp away in those heels, twisting that lush ass from side to side. Blue kept her pace. They looked to be talking. Emily was probably catching her up on what was happening now.

Then, Harlem Crew followed.

David stepped to my side. “What do you want me to do?”

I rubbed my head. “Have Misha record the exchange between the couple and Emily.”

“You want the footage sent to your phone?”

“Correct and make sure it is live streaming. I need to know what is happening in the moment.”

“While Emily does not want you there, we can still be on the same level.”

I nodded. “I will need to put on my shoes, but we can take the elevator after her.”

We were on the tenth floor. By the time we got to the first and stood near the room, Emily may have calmed down and decided that she did want my presence.

Sighing, I looked down the hallway.

Emily and Blue stood in front of the elevator.

Harlem Crew kept a few feet behind them.

David spoke, “This may not be important now, but Misha has a location for Fela.”

I really fucked this up. We were having such a nice day.

I continued to watch Emily. “Did you put eyes on the location?”

“I did. Several men are in the area.”

“Good. I want all of Black Axe gone.”

“And who will supervise the area afterwards?”

“I’m not sure.”

The elevator dinged.

Blue handed Emily a knife.


Fast, Emily leaned forward, looked at me, and showed me her middle finger. Then, they stepped on the elevator, leaving Harlem Crew.

Why did she do that?

My heartbeats sped up.

David spoke about the news of some drug shipment, but I stood there confused. Emily wasn’t the type to flip me off.

One of Harlem Crew picked up the heels that Emily had left by the elevator.

She left her shoes? Emily would never. . .

“No!” Barefoot, I rushed down the hallway. “David, do you have men guarding the couple on the first floor.”

“No, but I have people around the hotel perimeter and—”

“Send men to the couple. Now!”

He rushed after me and pulled out his phone. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t think Emily stepped into the elevator. It might be. . .”

“Her dark side.”

“Yes. Lunita.”

“Blue!” David sped up.

I rushed to the elevator. “Shit. There is only one.”

Fuck! The steps will take longer!

I frantically searched the hallway. “Where are the steps?!”

David pointed in the further direction. “That way.”

“Come on!” I yelled at Harlem Crew and hurried away. "And someone call Maxwell!!"

Chapter 29

Meet the Fuckers


The Lion and Mouse had slept in most of the day, giving me some time to relax.

But, I knew I would be busy soon.

King David walked my way.

I straightened my position near the door. Surely, he was going to deal with Kazimir, but the girlish side of me wanted to show him that I was on point in my position.

When King David made it to the other men, he looked at them. “Give us space.”

They stepped several feet away. One of them furrowed his brows and headed away.

Then, David stepped to the door. His designer cologne swirled around me and taunted my senses. Instead of opening the door and entering, he turned that handsome face my way. “How is your day going, Blue?”

