Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

I raised the wig up to my face and sniffed. A floral scent hit my nostrils. “Do you spray your wigs with perfume? They all smell so good.”

She mumbled, “I’m about to spray your ass with something—”

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” She grabbed a navy blue suit and showed it to me. “I’m picking this. You always wear a lot of black as if you are the villain of everyone’s story—”

“I am the villain in most stories.” I grinned.

“Either way, for this meeting I would like you to present a sense of confident power, yet more relaxed.”

I ran my fingers through the red wig. “Tell me more.”

“I read once that the British Royal Navy and even United States Air Force chose this deep color of blue to convey confidence and power, but most of all stability and unity.”

“And you think this meeting will be more stable and united, if I am wearing navy blue?”

“It’s setting the stage.” She carefully placed the suit over one chair.



“Is this human hair?”

She groaned in annoyance. “Yes, Kaz.”

“Then, do you have wigs in here that are synthetic hair?”

“Maybe one or two due to their styles.”

“Is animal hair used for wigs?”

“I read that animal hair is very rarely used.”

“What animals?”

“Yaks, horses, sheep, and even goats. Now stop asking me questions about wigs.”

“But, who else could I ask?”


I quirked my brows. “She wears wigs too?”

“Yes, Kaz. Lots of them. She just sticks with long blonde ones.”

“Very interesting.”

Emily picked up the tie and placed it against the suit. “I don’t know. I may change the tie and shoes. I have to get the right combination.”

She proceeded to walk around the closet and gazed at a pair of brown shoes. “I can’t have my baby looking crazy in front of everyone.”

She went over to the black shoes. “But. . .which ones? No. I will choose a new tie and then place everything together to get the right look. Then, I can truly make the decision.”

“Sounds boring.”

“At least I am getting somewhere.” She chuckled. “Meanwhile, you are over there trying to date my wig.”

“No. We are past the dating stage. Also, I believe this is the wig you will wear today.”

“Okay. Finally, some progress.” Clapping, she walked over to my shelf of ties. “And why are you picking Raquel?”

“Because I can’t wait to yank it off your head when I’m fucking you in the ass.”

“And see. . .that right there.” She wagged her finger at me. “That is why I didn’t want to do this challenge, because you’re not taking it seriously.”

“I take fucking you very seriously.”

“You’re picking what I will wear to the meeting, Kaz. Not to fuck. The meeting.” She snapped her fingers twice. “Focus.”

“But I will be fucking you after the meeting.” I set the wig next to the red lace panties. “In fact, I will possibly bend you over the table once everyone leaves—”

“We are not doing this clothing challenge again.”

“I plan to pick your wig and clothes every morning.” I returned to the shelf of wigs to confirm I had truly made the correct choice.

“Kaz, what are you doing back over there?”

“I am making sure—”

“Get away from my wigs.”

“You are too territorial of them.” Frowning, I went over to her dresses. “Hmmm. We will need something where I can see your ass, but no one else can.”

Emily sighed.

“And the dress will need a very long split so under the table, I can slip my hands—”

“We have to discuss the strategy to end Black Axe.”


“That means you won’t be fingering me.”

“Is that what it means?”

“Yes.” She held two ties in her hand. One was dark blue with red markings. The other was a solid black. “Focus.”

Someone knocked on the closet door.

I headed over and opened it.

King David wore a worried expression. He gestured for me to come outside of the closet.

“I will be right back, mysh.” I stepped out and shut the door behind me. “Yes?”

He kept his voice low. “Baba found out about the couple. She’s been searching the hotel for them.”

“Why? Does she want to make sure they are good people?”

“I think she is going to convince them to leave. Baba is adamant that Paolo must remain with Emily.”

I rubbed my forehead. “Did she provide an explanation for that reasoning?”

“She did, but. . .” David sighed.


“I can also tell when Baba is bullshiting me and emotionally attached. The way she talked and. . .she looked close to crying.”

I frowned. “Now Baba has imprinted on the boy too?”

David nodded. “I believe so. I knew Baba would want to make sure the boy would be safe and protected, but I never thought she would fall in love with him.”

“Women.” I sighed. “This is why it is called the Brotherhood. We make the hard decisions.”

David widened his eyes and then cleared his throat. “Alright. We can discuss this later—”


A worried expression spread over David’s face. He backed up. “Later, Kazimir—”

