Checkmate This is Effortless (#4) Read online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

My head falls back, giving him all the access he wants as he walks us into his bedroom. Buddy follows behind, thinking it’s time to sleep and jumps on the bed just as Drew sets me down on top.

“Sorry, Buddy. I don’t share my woman. You can go sleep on the couch,” he tells him as if Buddy understands a word he says. He shuts the door behind him and crawls back on the bed toward me. “Why aren’t you naked yet?”

I chuckle and start grabbing at my shirt. I watch as his muscles flex and he lifts his shirt over his head. I love staring at his tattoos. Even though I’ve studied them a hundred times, I can’t get enough. His hair falls into his face, and it’s so damn sexy. I’m already wet just waiting for him.

He unbuttons my shorts and slides them down with my panties. He presses his lips to my inner thighs as he crawls his way back up. Instead of taking off his own jeans like I’d hoped, he bends my knee and hooks my leg over his shoulder. His hands grip my ass as he pulls my body closer to his mouth. I squeal and laugh at the same time at the greedy way his tongue slides in me.

“Mm...your entire body smells like blueberries,” he purrs against my clit. “I could devour you all goddamn day.”

I tangle my fingers in his hair as he swirls his tongue up and down my slit. He pushes my thighs wider apart and inserts his finger inside while simultaneously working my clit with his tongue.

“Oh, fuck,” I whimper, arching my back as he sinks his finger in deeper. He adds a second one and flicks his tongue even faster than before. “Yes, yes, yes...” I cry out, the pressure building quickly.

“I love hearing you sing, sweetheart. Makes your pussy so tight,” he tells me, twisting his fingers out and back inside again.

He continues his delicious torture, my body shakes as he holds his grip tighter. My legs tense as his mouth vibrates against my pussy and my release comes on his tongue. The way he licks it up and growls against my skin has me begging for more.

“I love it when you’re greedy, sweetheart. You’re so tight and you taste so fucking good. Your body just aches for it.” He rubs his thumb down my slit and back up again before circling my clit between his fingers. He knows it drives me wild, and he won’t stop until he feels me come once again.

“Take your pants off,” I demand, reaching for them, but the position he has me in makes it nearly impossible.

“Not yet. I’m not even close to being done with you.” His deep throaty moan tells me everything he says is true.

“So, what was that magic number again?” He lifts his eyes as I look at him with furrowed brows.

“What magic number?”

“The number of orgasms you’ve given yourself while playing with your little toy.” He smirks as if he’s going to get the answer out of me.

“I thought we talked about this already,” I say, hoping he’ll leave it alone. I don’t want to tell him and then he use it as a challenge because I don’t think I’d survive something like that.

“But you never told me, so spill it, sweetheart. We have a record to break.”

“Never,” I say, trying to push my legs together, but he blocks my attempt.

“Don’t even try it,” he warns me. “I’m not stopping until you tell me.” He twists his arm and inserts two fingers as deep as he can and then rubs the pad of his thumb against my clit at the same time. It’s already sensitive from him and the way he’s working me right now, I won’t last much longer.

I moan and claw my nails into his biceps, trying to fight the urge because I know what kind of game he’s playing. He thinks he can build me up until I can’t take it anymore and I beg him to let me come. But I’m the queen of prolonged satisfaction. Before Drew, most of my orgasms were either faked or self-induced.

However, Drew has a talented-as-fuck tongue and whatever the hell he’s doing right now makes it damn hard to concentrate on not giving in. He’s being relentless, moving his tongue and fingers just how he knows I love. I attempt at pushing him away, but it’s no use. Drew is built like a brick wall. I’d end up hurting myself before I ever push through him, not that I really want to anyway.

“I know you need it, Court. Your pussy gets extremely tight when you’re about to come. I bet you want to, don’t you?” he asks in a mocking tone, knowing damn well I need it. He slows his pace and flicks my clit with his tongue as his fingers rub slow circles against my pussy.

