Checkmate This is Effortless (#4) Read online Kennedy Fox

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, College, Drama, Erotic, Funny, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: The Checkmate Duet Series by Kennedy Fox

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 87792 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“You’re right. I want to like him more than I do, so it might be one of those slow burn attraction type things.”

“Logan might come around, you know? If he says it’s not good timing for him right now, that could mean he doesn’t want a one-night stand or a friends-with-benefits type situation. So that’s good. Means he’s probably not messing around with anyone else.”

She shrugs, not completely ignoring my suggestion.

Kayla inserts more muffin cups into the pan as I add the batter. It’s the last set and I know Drew will probably be hungry for dinner soon.

“You want to stay and eat with us? I’ll probably just put some pasta dish together or something.” I scoop out the last of the batter and shove the spoon in my mouth instead of into the muffin tin.

“No, but thanks for the offer. I have this new client that’s been really pushy on seeing an example board, so I better get started on it,” she says with a knowing grin.

“I’m not pushy!” I defend. She gives me a look and raises her brows. “I’m...suggestive. There’s a difference.” I smile in return, placing the pan into the oven and setting the timer.

Kayla heads out before Drew gets back from his walk. As I sort the cooled-off muffins in a container to take to work, my phone rings with Kayla’s name flashing over the screen.

“Hey,” I say, holding it with my shoulder and cheek. “Everything okay?”

“Well, I just drove down the block and Drew was standing there with Buddy and a couple cop cars with their lights flashing. Did he call or text you? I didn’t stop because I didn’t want to get in the way of whatever was going on.”

“What? No! I’ll call him right now. Thanks.”

Drew picks up on the second ring and I can tell by the tone of his voice that something is off. “Hey, sweetheart.”

“What’s going on? Are you all right? Is it Buddy?”

“Everything’s fine. I just saw a suspicious car and called it in.”

“A suspicious car?”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure it was Mia driving,” he says, exhaling in frustration. “She left before the cops showed up, but I got her plates.”

“Argh!” I shout, balling my hands into fists. “She was just watching you, or what?”

“Yeah, she was parked down the block and it wasn’t until I got to the corner when I noticed it. I’m pretty sure it was her, and if it was, they have her new plates now and will be searching the area for her.”

“Jesus. I hope they find her now. Preferably in a ditch.”

“Listen, the cops are about to leave now, so I’ll be home in just a few minutes. Make sure the doors are all locked, okay?” I hear the concern in his voice.

“They are. This isn’t my first Mia rodeo.” I roll my eyes that I even have to think about things like that.

“Love you. Be right there.”

After we hang up, I busy myself in the kitchen and clean up the mess we made. The last batch of muffins are done so I take them out to cool and turn the oven off. I start grabbing ingredients for my pasta dish that I plan to make for dinner when I finally hear Drew and Buddy walk through the front door.

I run toward him and he catches me in his arms. It feels so good to have his body around me. “Everything’s fine.” He tries to console me, but until Mia’s put behind bars, nothing will ever feel one hundred percent fine.

“We can’t move out of here fast enough,” I tell him as he places a finger under my chin and tilts my face to look up at him.

“They’ll catch her,” he promises me. I see the sincerity in his eyes and as much as I want to believe that, I know Mia’s crazy and smart enough to keep her distance just enough to stay out of legal trouble. Although there’s a warrant for her arrest, that doesn’t mean much when I know her parents will bail her out as soon as she’s served the restraining order papers.

“I hope so,” I say with a nod. “Are you hungry? I was just about to make dinner.”

“Actually...” he begins, unleashing Buddy and shutting the front door behind him, “I was thinking we could start with dessert instead.” He flashes me a wicked grin and it takes a moment for me to realize what he’s implying.

Wrapping his arms under my ass, he lifts me up until my legs wrap around his waist. My arms cling around his neck as he walks us down the hallway.

“I didn’t realize you liked dessert that much,” I quip.

“I fucking love dessert. In fact, I think dessert should be a three-course meal.” He presses his lips to my neck and teases me with his tongue. “Especially when it tastes this good.”

