Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Uh, guys, I don’t think you’re going to like this,” Fritz said. He zoomed in on the picture, and Dirty hated the Evil Fuckers MC more in that moment.

They were not wearing their leather cuts with their patch. No, somehow the Evil Fuckers MC were wearing the Satan’s Death Riders MC patch.

“How the fuck is that possible?” Colt asked.

“You need to call Warden,” Dirty said. “Ask him if there are any members he sent out on a job, or left, or did something in the past month. Whoever we have missing, they’re dead, and their cut was stolen and used to make replicas.”

“Fucking disgusting pieces of shit,” Colt said.

Dirty knew exactly what he meant and what he was feeling, because he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. This was a new low even for the Evil Fuckers MC. They had so many members.

“Guys, does this mean they could have been at the parties?” Fritz asked.

This meant a whole load of details. Dirty didn’t even want to think about it. He was concerned with them hiding in the shadows, lurking, waiting for the perfect time to escape. He didn’t even consider that they might have hidden in plain sight.

“We’d have noticed them,” Dirty said.

“Would we?” Fritz asked. “I mean, seriously?”

Dirty ran a hand over his face, because the truth was, all the Evil Fuckers MC blurred into one. They all had an enemy within Daemon, but that man was gone. Then there was Bug, the man’s son who was also gone.

He frowned. “He never brought the same person,” Dirty said.

“Warden’s on the way,” Colt said.

Dirty looked toward Colt. “He didn’t, did he?”

“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

“Think about it, when Daemon brought Rosalie around, he never brought the same people around. Even at the club, when we went to party with them, it was always dark.” Dirty rubbed his temples. “This was part of Daemon’s plan, it had to be.”

“Okay, I must have gotten dumb in the last few minutes, because I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”

Dirty looked toward Fritz who seemed equally confused.

“Think about it, even on that grainy piece of shit video, or in a lineup, how many of the Evil Fuckers MC could you identify?”


“Yeah, you could pick these men in this picture right fucking now, if they were standing in front of you?” Dirty asked. “What about the first day they brought Rosalie? How about at the wedding? Huh? Anyone?”

Colt frowned and he turned to look at Dirty. “Are you trying to tell me that part of Daemon’s elaborate plan was to, what, get his daughter married and killed? Daemon is dead.”

“Or maybe Daemon’s plan started out like that, and he planned to move swiftly. Our guys at his place, taking one of the leather cuts, only whoever is in charge of the Evil Fuckers MC changed the plan. I don’t fucking know, but think about it, it makes sense.”

Colt shook his head. “I hope for all of our sakes, you’re fucking wrong.”

Chapter Nine

“You need to get back out there,” Rosalie said.

Petal glanced over at her best friend and frowned. They were at the diner, working through the books as they did every Friday. She had already talked to Rosalie about hiring Tanya and even sent a quick text to Colt, who was all for it. Especially, as she advised it would be good for Rosalie to rest. She loved her friend dearly, but Rosalie was pregnant and she needed rest.

“Get back out there?”

“You know, find a man, a gruff stud or something?”

Petal got to her feet and turned to her friend, rolling her eyes. “No, thanks.”

“Come on, you’ve got to at least consider the possibility.”

She laughed. “Why?”

“Because, if you don’t, that means you still have a thing for Dirty.”

“Let’s get back to the books.”

“Holy crap, you do, don’t you?”

Petal stared at her friend, pouring them both some hot water and stirring in a tea bag. She would have much preferred coffee, but seeing as her friend vomited at the smell, she was sacrificing her own needs.

“No, I don’t.”

“They why not?” Rosalie asked.

“I just … I don’t want to, you know. The first real relationship I had was with Dirty, and look what happened.”

“Not all guys are like that.”

Petal shrugged. “Yeah, and I don’t want to get hurt again.”

“Did you love him? I mean, you barely knew him, you couldn’t have loved him that quickly, right?”

She looked to her best friend and sighed. “I … some might say there was no way it was love, it couldn’t be love, but who is to judge?”

“You did?”

Petal nodded. There was no reason to put words to it. “It’s why when he asked me if he was the father, it hurt so bad.”

“Oh, Petal.”

“He … it was strange, because he came on that cruise, and there were so many guys, and I just wasn’t interested, you know? I was there, and I knew it was to keep me safe and that was the only reason, but I, he … it’s hard to explain.”

