Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

His anger reached a new level.

Rooster handed him the whiskey, and he took the bottle before he could even pour it into the glass. He wasn’t interested in small measures. He searched for the burn of the whiskey. He needed to forget Petal and her perfect pussy.

Glancing over at Colt, he even felt betrayed that one of his good friends was sitting with her. It was Colt’s fault. Colt and Rosalie’s fault. If it hadn’t been for Colt wanting to spend more time with Rosalie, he wouldn’t have had to seduce Petal. Fuck them all.

He tipped his head back and took several long drinks.

“Whoa, man, that is the strong stuff, and you’ve already cleared half a bottle.”

“Fuck off.” That was what he said in his head, but he had a horrible feeling those words didn’t come out right.

He was done with this shit. Done with Petal playing the victim. She had wanted his cock when it suited her, and he wondered if Myth even knew that.

Getting to his feet, he kept hold of the bottle. He walked across the main clubhouse, and it seemed to take a little longer than he anticipated. His feet were not even working as they should. Still, he made his way over there and collapsed into the spare seat. Whatever conversation had been happening at the table went silent.

Dirty looked at Petal, and she stared right back at him for only a second. She quickly averted her gaze and he couldn’t help but sneer.

“Dirty, what’s up, man?” Myth asked.

“Fuck you,” Dirty said. “You’re not the boss of me, and just so you know, I have come over here to wish my friend and his woman congratulations. You did the job, man, you finally knocked her up. It’s about time you did your job,” Dirty said, glaring at Rosalie.

“Dirty!” Colt said his name, and it was firm.

He’d pissed off Colt, and from the tears in Rosalie’s eyes, he’d upset her.

Dirty pouted. “Sorry, did I say what everyone was thinking out loud? Are we not allowed to do that anymore? Bad, Dirty, bad.”

“I think you’ve had too much to drink,” Myth said, reaching for his whiskey.

“Fucking leave it.” He jerked the bottle right out of reach. “What is it with you, you want my sloppy seconds, and now you want my bottle of whiskey too?”

He heard the pained gasp and he knew that was Petal. It cut him through, but he didn’t stop. In the back of his mind, he was screaming at himself to shut the fuck up, but he just couldn’t seem to stop.

“You need to stop,” Myth said.

“Tell me, Myth, is her pussy as tight for you as it was for me? Like old Colty boy here, I was a little surprised to find out she was a virgin, but one taste and she was begging for it.” Dirty laughed.

The room had gone silent.

“Stop,” Myth said.

“Oh, but you might want to take my advice and bag your dick. Unlike Rosalie here who takes fucking forever to get knocked up, it wasn’t the same for Petal, was it, babe? It’s a shame that bullet took out our baby, right? Or was it a fucking miracle?”

Dirty burst out laughing and Petal stood up from the table so fast that her seat fell back. She didn’t say anything. All she did was leave the clubhouse.

“Oh, come on, Petal, I was only sharing a little fun. Getting it all out in the open so—”

Everything went dark.

Chapter Seven

Petal opened the door the following day to find Myth on her doorstep. She had run out of the clubhouse last night, on the odd chance there had been a taxi passing by. She’d held her hand out, and he’d taken her home.

She switched off her cell phone, and after a long hot shower, cried herself to sleep. The house phone had been ringing and she’d taken it off the hook, because she wanted to be left alone.

Dirty had told their secret. Yes, it had taken her some time to get over what happened, but she was slowly moving on, and now the whole club knew.

She didn’t know who she expected, Kim or Rosalie, but it surprised her to find Myth on her doorstep.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

Petal took a deep breath and then stepped back, giving him a chance to enter.

She moved away, going toward the kitchen. “Coffee?”

“Yeah, you know how I like it.”

Two sugars and cream. Myth had a sweet tooth, which was so sweet. Her hands shook as she started to prepare the coffee.

Petal closed the diner today. She had left the text for Rosalie, and that had gone to Burto. The last thing she wanted was to put their diner in trouble, but she couldn’t face going to work.

Rosalie now knew the truth. The whole club knew, and facing that terrified her.

