Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)

On a plan only now solidifying, Dallas remembered how much Greer liked his bare chest. He knew very little about the art of seduction and could use all the distracting help he could get.

Dallas stared at his reflection in the mirror while building his nerve.

The anthem playing inside his head sang its chorus loudly. He could live a lonely life of fear and regret like he’d been doing, or he could be bold and take what was blatantly being offered. His heart was clear in its final decision.

Dallas had jumped to conclusions. Greer told him the truth about Beau. He’d seen Kailey and Beau’s wedding photos in Greer’s gallery… Greer looked dashing in his tuxedo as he stood by Beau’s side as his best man.

He grinned as his chest puffed in the mirror, proud of his bold resolve and his building determination. Dallas kicked off his shoes, removing each sock by hand.

With this newfound confidence, Dallas headed straight for the door separating their rooms. He stopped inches away, letting out a slow steadying exhale and looked down the length of his body. He removed his belt, tossed it over a nearby chair and unfastened the button on his slacks. He reached inside to adjust his eager cock, highlighting his need through the tight material.

All the troubled anguish from his week of hell culminated in this solid black door keeping him from what he wanted most in the world. He unlocked the deadbolts and lifted a fist. It loosened on the descent with his palm resting on the cool wood.

Maybe his new courageous attitude would come in baby steps. His forehead rested beside his hand and he spoke to Greer. “Open the door.”


Greer paced. His exhaustion levels were a solid nine out of ten.

The relief of learning Dallas had in fact come to him this week, of seeing that he and his love did have a chance at a future, had left Greer utterly relieved and thoroughly drained. He needed rest to regroup and start again tomorrow. More than that, Greer had to give Dallas space to become comfortable with the idea of a relationship with him.

The balance was tricky. Too much space and his trainer might bolt.

Fuck. What was he thinking, leaving Dallas alone like that?


Dallas was the last person he should leave with time on his hands. How had he not considered the obvious problem between them when reserving two different rooms? When they were together, life couldn’t be better. It was when Dallas left that things went to shit.

His steely gaze riveted to the door separating him from Dallas. Greer walked the length of the suite from the bedroom through the living room, calling himself every name in the damn book. He clearly recalled the confusion in Dallas’s heart-stopping gaze when Greer left him standing in the doorway to his room. Greer gave a grunted groan when his memory plainly conjured the image of Dallas’s flawlessly cut cock outlined so enticingly in his slacks.

His only consideration had been the sense of pride he had in knowing he was the reason for Dallas’s obvious arousal. He’d wondered if Dallas even knew his suit slacks revealed so much.

Even now, Greer’s lip tucked between his teeth as he stared at the black door separating their rooms. Fuck, it turned him on to see Dallas’s desire for him.

And not the point.

His fucking thoughts were all over the damn place. He had to focus.

Greer had had Dallas in his grasp, and he’d fucking walked away.

He took brisk steps away from the door. Regardless of his stupidity, he had to stop bulldozing Dallas. Give the guy room to make his own decisions. He’d made the right choice to leave Dallas’s room. Greer’s gaze snapped back on the door.

The right choice for a fucking idiot.

Defeat was a suck-ass bitch.

Greer disrobed, letting most of his clothing fall to the floor. He should go rub one off then go to bed.

But his heart’s desire was just on the other side. He was helpless to do anything more than move closer to the door.

The click of a lock drew every bit of his focus to the deadbolts. Time slowed. Had that been his imagination?

In no time flat, Greer’s curiosity had him within inches of the door. The drumming of his heart pounded almost too loudly in his ears, and his excited breathing caused a rapid rise and fall of his chest. His eyes shifted back and forth as his mind raced with all kinds of hopeful scenarios. Had Dallas really unlocked his door? Was that an invitation?

Fuck yeah, it was. Greer extended a hand to the deadbolt and stopped just short of unlocking his side.

On second thought, he pulled his hand back. He refused to push Dallas, no matter how desperate and erratic his thoughts.

As quickly as that thought came, another pushed forward, playing out in vivid detail. The story of his and Dallas’s lives created a slideshow, flipping through his mind.

