Breakaway (Reigns Brothers #1) Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Dark, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Reigns Brothers Series by Kindle Alexander

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 133886 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 669(@200wpm)___ 536(@250wpm)___ 446(@300wpm)

Dallas handled the cell phone for several minutes, only flipping through the gallery, never looking at any of Greer’s apps or messages. His trainer placed the phone into the dashboard caddy then adjusted in his seat and leaned his head back on the headrest. “If you need me to drive, let me know.”

“Okay.” A tentative truce. His heart’s desire did in fact want him. Greer could drive all night and be content as long as Dallas sat in the seat next to him.

Chapter 29

The extravagant opulence of the hotel added another layer to the many facets of Greer Lockhart. The foyer was quiet, most likely due to the time being a little after one o’clock in the morning. Greer was met at the front doors with access codes and directions to their rooms—yes, he’d booked two rooms.

Greer chose to carry their bags even though no less than five attendants tried to take them as they walked from the car to the lobby’s elevator bank. Greer lugged a solidly packed garment bag and a large leather duffle, both slung over one broad shoulder.

In those first few minutes, the grandeur of the hotel suited Greer very well with its monstrous radiant crystal chandeliers, gorgeous unique contemporary artwork, and highly polished floors. He looked at home, in charge, and confident.

Dallas worked not to fidget with his nervousness. He shrugged out of his suit jacket, careful to keep it from wrinkling. Once inside the elevator, his silk tie came off next, then he released the small button at the tight collar.

“Skye was my partner in crime.” Greer’s eyes twinkled as he met Dallas’s gaze. “Tonight’s a formal event and will be held downstairs. I have a tuxedo for you. Skye helped pillage through your closet for the correct sizes. I have a tailor coming later today to make whatever alterations you need.”

Dallas raised his brows but otherwise stayed quiet while releasing the buttons at his wrists. A tailor. Huh.

“Kailey handled the rest. She sent you a change of clothing in here.” Greer patted the duffle bag. “Our gear for the cleanup is still in my car.”

The elevator doors dinged open. Greer swept an arm forward, encouraging Dallas out before him.

When Dallas stepped out into the same level of grandeur as the lobby downstairs, he had two choices—right or left—but no idea which way to go. Greer edged past him, keeping his hands to himself. That blond head nodded toward the right then Greer started that direction.

This wasn’t like any hotel Dallas had ever stayed in before. The room doors were far apart, only three down the long hallway. At the second door, Greer stopped. He entered the code into his cell phone. A buzz released the lock’s latch. Greer pushed open the door, holding it with his foot, and again motioned Dallas through first with the nod.

The overhead lights automatically lit as he walked into the exquisitely decorated space, the size of a small apartment. The drapes were open, showcasing the muted landscape of downtown Houston at night. The room was highly decorated in modern blacks, grays, and chrome. Splashes of vibrant color popped out from every direction. A full kitchen ran the length of one wall. The bedroom door was open. The lights were off, but he saw the edge of a mattress just beyond.

“I didn’t think this through very well. Take the bag. It has everything you need that’s not already provided by the hotel. I’m in the room next door.” Greer stood in the entry doorway and again did the head thing, nodding to the right. “There’s a virtual assistant. It’s a hologram. She’ll get you whatever you need. This is an Escape property. I believe Tristan Wilder’s behind a lot of the technology. Who knows if I’m remembering that correctly or not.” Greer shrugged a carefree shoulder. Even tired, he was by far the most handsome man Dallas had ever seen.

Greer grinned as Dallas took slow measured steps back toward him. He came to a stop about six feet away and tucked his hands in his slacks pockets. Greer put the leather bag on the floor between them. “We aren’t sharing a room?”

“No. I want to do this right. There’s no implied sex. I did worry you might bolt in the middle of the night, but apparently, I’ll follow you wherever you go, so I’ll find you.” Greer’s playful brow cocked in challenge. “That’s a warning.”

“Okay.” Dallas smiled at Greer’s tease. One thing about Greer, he always threw a curveball. Dallas had no idea what to think of this latest round of surprises. All he knew was that there was an invisible, impenetrable barrier keeping them apart. And this time it was all Greer’s doing.

“Tomorrow’s a workday for me. I’ll be tied up for most of the morning into the afternoon. Kailey scheduled you a spa day in my absence. You can take it or not, but they’re instructed to help get you ready for tomorrow night.”

