Blood & Bones – Dodge (Blood Fury MC #10) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 120513 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 603(@200wpm)___ 482(@250wpm)___ 402(@300wpm)

Dodge shot her a look that, even in the dark, clearly said, “We’ll see.”

Yes, they’d see.

The only thing that might change that decision would be what happened between her and Sig. Whether her brother could help her or not. Or even be willing.

If not, there was definitely no reason to stay. And, anyway, she had to think of her guys. Them staying or leaving wasn’t all about her. That decision affected the men inside the bus, too.

A shiver shook her violently.

He brushed his knuckles down her cold cheek and grabbed the front of her cat-eared zippered hoodie, giving it a gentle tug. “This goddamn sweatshirt. Gonna ask the sisterhood if they got a coat you can borrow.”

“The sisterhood?”

“Yeah, the ol’ ladies.”

“Ol’ ladies are… the wives?”

“Same shit.”

From a legal standpoint, Syn doubted it was. “I won’t need a coat if we head south.”

“We’ll see,” he said out loud this time.

He grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers, and tugged her away from the bus. “You nervous?” he asked as he pretty much dragged her through the snow like a sleigh horse toward the big barn-like structure.

Instead of taking her toward the front door, they walked along the side and around back where he released her hand. He jerked his chin toward the metal staircase that was barely covered in snow because the steps were like grates.

She raised her gaze to the lit landing above them and noticed two solid doors and two large picture windows. The blinds were closed on both, but slivers of light still peeked through.

“Head up,” he said.

“Where are we going?”

“To meet your brother. He and Red are waitin’.”


“His ol’ lady. Go.” He gave her a gentle nudge.

She climbed the steps, very aware he was following closely on her heels. When she got to the top and glanced over her shoulder, he jerked his head to the door on the right. She stepped over to it and hesitated, another shiver shooting through her. This time from both the winter chill and nervousness.

As she stared at the door, her heart skipped a beat, then began to thump. She had waited for this for a long time.

What if they were mistaken and this Sig wasn’t her brother? Would this end up being another disappointment added to the already long list of them?

“Are you sure it’s him?” she whispered, doing her best to keep her teeth from chattering.

“Yeah, baby, it’s him.” Dodge’s chest pressed to her back when he leaned past her and pounded on the door with the heel of his palm. Just like how her heart pounded every time he called her “baby.” No man had ever called her that before and it not feel insulting or condescending.

Within a few seconds, the door flung open and she squinted when the light hit her eyes. She could only see a male silhouette before her.

When the man stepped back, the interior light made her brother appear and she lost her breath.

Dodge hadn’t been wrong. This Sig was her Sig.

Holy shit.

Dodge bumped her back with his chest again and she automatically took another step forward into the warmth and out of the snow. He followed her inside, though she didn’t leave him much room to close the door behind them.

“Brother,” Dodge greeted in a gravelly rumble.

Sig didn’t answer him, instead he stared at her. His eyes were dark and troubled as he inspected her from head to toe, just like Dodge had done. His brow dipped low, making his forehead crease. When he was done, he glanced past her to Dodge and his jaw shifted before his eyes landed back on her.

“Syn,” escaped his mouth.

Hearing his voice brought back the memories of their brief conversations on the phone. Though the tone sounded richer and more mature than it had back then.

She nodded, not sure what to do. Hug him?

What she didn’t want to do was collapse into a blubbering mess at his feet. But the relief that flooded her suddenly made her eyes sting. She quickly rubbed at them and took a deep, shaky breath.

The broad hand planted on her back gently urged her forward. Even after she took another step closer to the brother she hadn’t seen in at least a decade, Dodge kept his hand at the small of her back.

Again, possessive. Maybe even a bit protective.

Sig noticed, too, and his nostrils flared.

She studied his face. He looked both the way she remembered him and different at the same time.

Older for sure, but showing evidence life hadn’t been so easy for him, either.

“Hi, Syn, I’m Autumn.”

Syn flinched. She’d been so caught up in staring at the man in front of her, she hadn’t even noticed the redhead off to the side. She had no idea who this woman was.

She looked very young, maybe a couple of years older than Syn. Possibly mid- to late-twenties. But her hazel eyes held something behind them that Syn recognized.

