Blood & Bone – Easy (Blood Fury MC #12) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Mafia, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 111
Estimated words: 107823 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 539(@200wpm)___ 431(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

“Trip…” he began but knew he wouldn’t make any of this better with words. Not only did he breach his president’s trust, that betrayal caused his sister to be injured.

The prez shook his head. “We’ll let you know when we’ll be bringin’ your ass before the committee. In the meantime, Tessa’s off-limits.” He leaned in until the bill of his baseball cap bumped against Easy’s forehead. He lowered his voice to the point no one but Easy and Judge could hear him. “No goddamn contact. No talkin’, no textin’ and no fuckin’. You got a problem with that, then when you get back to the bunkhouse you pack up your shit, hand your cut to Judge and take your ass somewhere other than the farm. None of that’s negotiable. You get me?”

Fuck. “Yeah,” Easy breathed, biting back any other words that wouldn’t help the situation.

“I find out you’re still sneakin’ around behind my back, you’ll wish you died in that crash because that death would’ve been a lot easier than what I’ll do to you.” Trip straightened and jerked his chin toward the corridor behind Easy. “Now go.” Apparently, he wasn’t done. Before Easy could turn to leave, Trip warned, “Easy, if you decide to stick around, don’t wanna see your ass ’til it’s standin’ in front of the committee.”

Easy nodded and, without another word, turned and followed Judge out of the waiting room as well as the hospital.

It didn’t take long for the committee to call a meeting and then summon him upstairs. Only a little over twenty-four hours.

On one hand, he was relieved they weren’t putting it off because, besides Tessa, it was all Easy could think about. On the other, he really wasn’t ready to face the officers sitting at that table. No matter what, he wanted to get whatever he had coming to him over with as soon as possible instead of letting the unknown eat at him.

While the hospital had sent him home with muscle relaxers and some pain medication, they only helped somewhat with the discomfort and stiffness, but not nearly enough. Even so, he hadn’t taken any since this morning when he found out he would be climbing those stairs tonight because he needed to keep a clear head.

He paused at the top of the steps and faced the closed door. Beyond the thick wood came a murmur of voices but he couldn’t make out the words. It was probably better that way.

Taking a deep, painful inhale, he pushed his way inside and walked into the unknown.

For the most part he had an idea about what he’d be facing. But while Cage hadn’t gotten away with breaking a rule—he certainly paid for it in more ways than one—Rev did. The difference was, Reilly being put on the do-not-touch list had nothing to do with Trip and everything to do with Reese. That alone was a huge difference.

It was Trip who had made the rule that Cage broke about not fucking with the Amish since the working relationship he had with them was extremely important. It was also Trip who put his own sister on that list.

Knowing that, Easy could guess what the exec committee would want from him.

A pound of fucking flesh. Either by stripping him of his colors or having a date with The Punisher.

Truth was, he would do whatever he had to do to not only keep his colors but to also keep Tessa. He already decided that, no matter what was said at the table tonight.

He wouldn’t fight his punishment, but he would fight for her.

Multiple sets of eyes were glued on him as he stepped up to the end of the table opposite Trip. The end no one sat at for the very reason Easy was currently upstairs, for being called before the club’s officers. If there was a chair there, it would be considered the hot seat. Because there wasn’t, you needed to stand there until they were done with you. No matter how long it took.

The president sat at the head of the table in the original chair his father sat in while he was president. Tonight Trip looked like a damn king on his throne.

Down both sides of the table, the VP sat immediately to his right and to his left sat the sergeant at arms. The rest of the seats were occupied by Ozzy, Deacon, and Cage.

Cage was the only one not staring at him. Instead, he was focused on the carved Blood Fury insignia in the center of the table.

That didn’t give Easy the warm fuzzies.

No one said a word for the longest time and that made his skin itch.

Someone needed to start talking so they could get this whole thing over with, but since he wasn’t on the committee, he wasn’t sure who was supposed to speak first. His best bet was to keep his mouth shut and go along with whatever happened next.

