Bishop A True Lover’s Story Read online A.E. Via

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 133180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 666(@200wpm)___ 533(@250wpm)___ 444(@300wpm)

Edison returned Skylar’s disgusted look with one of his own then continued talking to Mila as if his presence was inconsequential. Doing that to a man as conceited as Skylar was the best way to pay him back. The moment the elevator doors opened, Skylar stormed past, rudely bumping Edison’s shoulder when he did.

“Oh hell no,” Mila fussed at Skylar’s back.

“Let him go.” Edison sighed. He didn’t care what kind of mood disorder Skylar was suffering from this week. Nothing could bring down his elation. Mila wished him tons of luck on his date and told him she wanted to hear all about it on Monday.


Edison took his time getting ready. He wanted to make sure his shave was smooth and close like Bishop preferred. He used the clippers on the sides of his head, and the trimmer to sharpen his hairline. He’d been careful with how much hair gel he used, wanting his length on top to have a bit more body and not as tamed as when he was in the office. Tonight, Bishop was going to see the laid-back-can-chill-with-the-best-of-them Edison. He’d splashed on his father’s aftershave, careful to use it sparingly. It was his father’s personal blend and Edison was on the last quarter of the bottle. But tonight was a special occasion and he wanted to look good, most of all he wanted to feel good.

Edison was finished early of course, and when he checked his watch he saw he still had half an hour before Bishop arrived. He stood at his entertainment stand drinking from his bottle of water and listening to a little Dave Matthews Band to pass the time, and to hopefully calm his nerves. He was wondering if tonight would be the night. They hadn’t done much more than kissing and some petting at the door when Bishop headed home at night, Bishop being the ultimate gentleman. But Edison trusted him and he was ready… I’m ready, dangit.

Edison jumped when the doorbell chimed. He chuckled, feeling silly, and hurried to the front door. Bishop was early which made Edison feel like a treasure that Bishop couldn’t wait to get to. He ran his hand over the lapel of his casual, almond-colored Tom Ford blazer, double-checking his appearance one last time before he opened the door.

“Hey, you’re earl—” Edison’s smile froze before he quickly replaced that expression with anger, “What are you doing here, Skylar?”

Skylar didn’t say anything as he stood on his porch staring at him.

“Hello?” Edison said louder.

Skylar swallowed as if his mouth had suddenly gone dry, then looked down Edison’s body before his green eyes landed back on his face. “You’re awfully dressed up. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in jeans,” he said, his voice sounding distant. “Big plans tonight?”

“I think you already know the answer to that question,” Edison said, annoyed. He wanted to know what the heck was going on and why Skylar was at his home. “Is this visit work related?”

Skylar peeked over Edison’s shoulder. “Can I come in?”

“No.” Edison eliminated the large gap in the open door. “I’m expecting company.”

Skylar scowled a long moment before he held up a manila folder, a look of irritation contorting his bacheloresque features. “There’s something I need to show you before your little date tonight.”

Edison crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not interested.”

“Oh yes you will be at this,” Skylar said through clenched teeth, “Despite your position and how good you are at your job, you’re young, Edison, and still quite naïve about things.”

Edison blinked, not sure which way he wanted to tell Skylar to screw-off first. He could feel his face heating, and it was only making him even more upset that his co-worker had the audacity to show up at his home to—

“I can see you revving up but just hold that thought before you say something you’ll have to apologize for later,” Skylar said, cutting off Edison’s internal tirade. “Just look.”

Edison frowned when Skylar opened the folder and the first thing he saw on the right side was a Norfolk City Public Jail mugshot of Bishop, appearing exhausted and defeated. On the other side was a copy of his arrest record. “He’s a goddamn felon, Edison. Bishop R. Stockley, recently did five years and three weeks for strong-armed robbery in a maximum security federal prison. He’s not a wonderful guy, he’s not your fucking prince charming or whatever the hell. You’ve been walking around with fairy dust up your ass for weeks thinking you’re having some serendipitous romance, when you’re not.

Edison just knew his ears were about to shoot steam. How dare Skylar butt into his personal business? Edison had to take a deep breath before he spoke, not wanting to scream and attract the attention of any of his neighbors. “I already knew about his conviction, Mr. Johnny-Come-Lately. Bishop has been nothing but honest with me from the start.”

