Bishop A True Lover’s Story Read online A.E. Via

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 133180 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 666(@200wpm)___ 533(@250wpm)___ 444(@300wpm)

“Wow. You are something else,” Skylar murmured just loud enough for Edison to hear. He didn’t have a chance to figure out what he meant by that before he was tugged around in Mila’s arms. Her leopard-spotted nails stroking the smooth tie.

“Skylar this is beautiful. Oh my gosh.” She smiled. She turned to Edison and they both gave each other what-a-nice-surprise looks, maybe both of them thinking the same thing. Has Skylar turned over a new leaf for good?

“Thank you.” Edison held his hand for Skylar to shake. He was slow in accepting the gesture and when he did, he slid his hand into Edison’s as if they were doing a shady deal, and pumped his hand slowly.

Skylar squeezed his palm. “You’ve earned it.”

Mila wrapped up the party and Edison gave her the rest of the afternoon off to go to her niece’s soccer game. Which was a good thing because it felt as if he got more work done with his assistant out of the office. Edison was clearing off his desk at four fifty-five. He’d never let anyone see him leaving early, but he didn’t feel guilty about leaving on time. He’d busted his ass today and now he wanted his reward.

Edison was all smiles when he came out of the building at five minutes after five. Bishop and Trent were standing off to the side at the bottom of the steps as if they were waiting for him. Edison bit his bottom lip at the sight of Bishop in dirty construction boots, with his coveralls half on, cinched tightly around his waist. His tight Stockley Lawn Care T-shirt was clinging to his sweaty chest and Edison felt his dick thickening when he thought of running the flat of his tongue between the grooves. How had he missed him so much in just a day and a half? His body needed again so badly.

The sound of Trent’s laughter broke Edison’s daydream as he stood there gaping at the top of the stairs as other people moved around him. “Your guy’s eye-fucking the shit out of you, dude.”

Bishop’s head snapped up to Edison, and it took everything not to trip over his feet and fall face first down the stairs. Trent laughed harder when Bishop elbowed him in the chest. Edison reached the bottom step unwounded. “Hey,” he said breathlessly.

“Hey, Eddie,” Bishop said, his voice deep and husky, like he loved. Bishop’s intense gaze roamed over him and Edison’s groin heated in his slacks. “You ready to go?”

“Yeah. You gonna meet me at the house?”

“I can shower there if you want,” Bishop murmured.

“I want.” Edison smiled.

Bishop quirked one side of his mouth, his finger reaching up to stroke his tie. Edison kept his eyes on Bishop as he ate him up. “You look sexy as hell in this tie, baby.”

Edison smiled and glanced down at his suit, his eyes blowing wide in shock when he noticed he was still wearing the Armani tie. Shoot. “Actually, this was—”

“So, you like the tie, huh, garden boy?”

Edison closed his eyes. No… no, no, no. This isn’t happening. “Skylar. I’m having a private conversa—”

“Yo, who the fuck you calling a boy?” Trent scowled, stepping closer to the three of them. Edison’s heart began to beat frantically, but Bishop looked as calm as ever as he put his hand against Trent’s chest, not taking his eyes off Skylar.

“Chill out, T. It’s all good. I already know the deal with Sky,” Bishop mocked, “His eyes are that green for a reason.”

Skylar’s smile was disturbing before it transformed into something cunning. He focused all of his attention on Edison and licked his thin lips, mimicking the exact leer that Bishop had been giving him. “I must admit, I am just a bit jealous. But my time will come.” Skylar ran the tip of his finger down the center of Edison’s chest, along the expensive tie. “I’m glad your lawn boy likes the gift I gave you, Edison. Like he said… very sexy.”

Edison stared speechless at the back of Skylar’s tall frame as he left him standing there in front of a seething Bishop.

“Oh damn,” Trent muttered.

Edison was shaking his head, but no words were coming out of his mouth.

“I know my fucking boyfriend is not standing here in front of me wearing a gift another man gave him. A gift you let me compliment right in front of him?” Bishop’s jaw was clenched so tight Edison thought it might shatter. Bishop had every right to be pissed, and now that he’d put it that way, Edison could see how truly messed-up all this seemed. He shouldn’t’ve accepted such an expensive gift from Skylar.

“Damn. Bye, Edison,” Trent mumbled and left before he could stammer anything.

What? Bye? Why did Trent’s bye sound so permanent? Edison started to panic. His voice was shaky when he was finally able to speak. “It’s not like that, Bishop, I swear. Not at all. Remember I told you today is Boss Appreciation Day.” Edison smiled, trying to lighten the terrifying mood, but Bishop’s frown only grew deeper. “There was a luncheon and—”

