Because of Her – Jack & Jill Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 108165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“Oh dear, trouble in paradise already? Maybe you two should have taken a longer getaway.”

“Agreed,” Jackson says. “In fact, I wasn’t aware our getaway was over until I returned to the hotel, and you weren’t there.”

“The hotel, huh?” Frankie lifts her eyebrows. “Sorry. I’m pretty sure a hotel comes with amenities. Did I miss the pool and fitness center at our lovely little inn?”

“Do you two need a minute?”

Jackson says, “Yes,” as Frankie says, “No.”

With a nervous laugh, Eloise rocks herself to stand and opens the screen door. “I need to change some laundry anyway.”

Jackson grabs Frankie’s arm and drags her to the garage.

“I think I’ve been manhandled enough.” She tries to pull away from his grip.

He releases her when they’re in the garage, and the door is closed. “If you want to get yourself killed, then just say it. But I won’t put my family in danger trying to save your ass every goddamn day.”

“For your information,” Frankie crosses her arms, “I’ve been the one risking everything for you and your family. When I woke up to an empty bed with no note and no way to contact you, I decided to go see Archer.”

He clenches his teeth, hands fisted.

She turns and takes a few steps away. “I went to his office. It’s under heavy security, but I got right up to see him because he trusts me. And I’m the key to ending this for you and your family. I can get to him anywhere, anytime. In fact, he wants me to have dinner with him at his house tomorrow night because—”

“Because his wife and daughter are in Paris for the next two weeks, and he thinks he can fuck you at his house without anyone putting a bullet in his head first.”

Frankie deflates. “How did you know Corinne and Molly are in Paris?”

“Because it’s what I do!”

She startles from the boom of his voice.

Jackson takes a deep breath and pushes it out his nose. He’s too close to this woman but can’t pretend she doesn’t matter. It wasn’t until he met Frankie that he realized how empty he’d become inside since leaving on this lonely journey to make things right in his world again.

“When Livy was six or seven, she wanted to help Ryn do everything in the kitchen. Chop vegetables. Dump pasta in boiling water. Frost cupcakes. So Ryn would let her help, but it took twice as long, and something usually got messed up. But mainly, Ryn had to watch Livy's every move to ensure she didn’t hurt herself. Then we’d make a huge deal about it, so Livy felt like she was helping.”

Frankie’s face sours. “Wait … are you comparing me to a six-year-old trying to help in the kitchen?”

“I’m saying your ‘helpfulness’ is far from helpful, even if your heart’s in the right place. I’m saying I can do my job safer and more effectively without you.”

“You just don’t want him touching me.”

Jackson clenches his teeth, holding his tongue for a few extra seconds before responding. “Do you want him touching you?”

She flinches. “Of course not.”

“I realize you don’t know what it’s like to be married or even in a relationship, but it usually involves an aversion to letting other men touch you. And we don’t have to label what’s happening between us, but if we’re being real … I am neither Baines nor Alisdair. I will not stand by and watch someone touch you or torture you. And I won’t get my revenge with a sex video or fucking a married woman. I sold my soul to the devil a long time ago. So, I’m the guy who will take someone’s life without blinking, flinching, or even giving it a second thought. I won’t beg you to listen to me or do as I say. But I will gag you, restrain you, and put you someplace out of my way until I am done with Archer Sanford so that I can see my daughter again, and your parents don’t have to lose their last child.”

Frankie’s lips part, but no words are spoken.

Jackson knows she’s thinking about last night, what they did, what he said, what she said. But he can’t be blinded by intimacy or any illusion of love. If he lets that happen, his family will die. And Slade Wylder will be waiting with a big, fat I-told-you-so.

“You’ll never get to him without me,” she whispers.

“Watch me.”

Frankie turns in a slow circle, taking in the garage like she’s seeing it for the first time … or maybe the last time. Then she sits at the piano. “How did you know I was here?”


She nods, fingers caressing the keys without pressing them. “You have him following me now?”

“No. He’s following you because he doesn’t trust you.”

She starts to play a slow song. A sad one. “Why doesn’t he trust me?”

