Because of Her – Jack & Jill Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 108165 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 541(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

The hint of a smile pulls at his lips.

“When Slade showed you the pictures of Wylder and Livy.”

He rests his hand on my hip. “Do you love me?”

A tear slips out, and gravity carries it to the pillow. “Is it okay if I do?”

His hand skims up my body from my hip to my face, and he doesn’t say a word, but he smiles. And a train of more tears follows that first one.

I wake up a few minutes after five in the morning to no Jackson. He’s not in the bathroom, and his car’s gone. I turn on the TV and wait for him to return. By nine, I’m going stir-crazy. So I visit the main office.

“How can I help you?” A young woman with a baby in a wrap carrier asks me.

“Good morning. I lost my phone, and I need to order a ride. Would you be willing to order me one if I paid you?” I have the burner phone, but I can’t use it to get a ride.

She inspects me for a few seconds. She nods once she determines I’m not nearly as sketchy as this motel.

“Thanks.” I dig cash out of my purse and set it on the counter. “I need a ride to S&J Engineering in Rhodale.”

Before I met Slade and saw pictures of his family, respecting Jack’s wishes and plans was easier. He has everything I didn’t think I wanted. And he needs to get back to that life. I have nothing and virtually no one waiting for me. It’s too late to save my family, but it’s not too late for Jack’s.

If there was any question if Archer would be at work, there’s not now. When I step out of the car, I’m greeted at the entrance to the engineering firm by four armed guards.

“By appointment only,” one of the guards says, stepping before me when I reach for the door.

“Tell Mr. Sanford Iris is here to see him.”

The guard scowls for a few seconds before making a call while stepping away from me. When he turns around, he opens the door for me without further explanation. The second I enter the door, another guard gestures for me to follow him.

After a pat down, a scan with a metal-detecting wand, and a purse search, he nods toward the elevator. It’s a two-story building, so getting to the second floor doesn’t take long. The doors open to a relatively empty space with large windows, exposed air vents, and a brunette with a friendly smile sitting behind a glass desk.

“Mr. Sanford’s office is in the corner.” She nods toward the glass-walled office with blinds that prevent me from seeing inside.


The guard at the door opens it for me. I return a stiff smile and step inside the office.

Archer’s sitting on the edge of his desk, ankles crossed, hands gripping the side. Sharp as always in a suit. “Where the hell have you been? Why haven’t you answered my calls or my texts?” He stabs his hands through his hair before pushing off the desk.

My breath hitches in a silent gasp when he hugs me.

“Fuck, I thought you were dead,” he whispers.

His forehead wrinkles when he releases me, holding my shoulders at arm’s length. “Tell me.”

I clear my throat, shaking off his reaction to seeing me unexpectedly. “I lost my phone that night. And I didn’t know if it was safe to come here.” I infuse a believable amount of panic in my voice. “I thought about calling the police but didn’t know what to say. After the incident at the cafe in Hertzville, I was afraid you were …” I shake my head a half-dozen times.

After several slow blinks, he nods. “It’s okay. I’ve made a lot of enemies over the years. Success can do that. I’m afraid it also comes with a risk. I’m so sorry.” Again, he hugs me.

I push him away. “Three men died! What is going on?” I feign outrage.

Archer holds up his hands in surrender. “I don’t know what you want me to say that I haven’t already said.”

I sigh and deflate. “There’s nothing you can say. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. I’ll be going home soon.”

“You … care.” A slow smirk grows along Archer’s face. “You came here because you care about me.”

I couldn’t care less.

“Doesn’t matter. I can’t do this. It was fun until it wasn’t. And I’m going home. So …” I cross my arms and offer him a resigned smile. “I hope you stay safe.”

Pressing his lips together, he slips his hands into his front pockets and drops his chin. “On the Ferris wheel, you were different. I wasn’t expecting that.” He lifts his head.

I shrug. “I like control. You tried to take it from me. And I wasn’t okay with that.”

He grunts a laugh. “Control, huh? Well, you’re talking to the King of Control.”

