Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

I hope they have drinks at the dinner. I won’t wild out, but I will get low key fucked up. I’ll just chill in the corner, all silent and drunk. It would be nice to add dick to this evening though. . .

Duck’s face came into view and the comment about the corkscrewed penis.

Well. . .he could be an option. Right? I mean Lei is not trying to give me any.

I chuckled at the thought of flirting with Duck, knowing I wouldn’t mess around with him. It was just nice to get my mind off the tenser things going on.

I need to sit my hot ass down.

Then, Lei’s image standing in the doorway returned.

My body hummed with need.

Could he truly see me? Did he. . .like what he saw? What was going through his mind?

I knew that if Lei made some sort of move, I would let him. Even with the coat and outfit he wore, I knew muscle wrapped around his body.

He’s got to be packing too, right? He surely walks around like he has a big one.

Was it wrong to crave the intimate balm of sexual companionship in my mournful loneliness?

Was it bad to seek solace in the arms of a stranger while loss loomed in the background?

In that car, I had declared to myself that I would help heal Lei as he protected and mended me.

Would healing through sex be so bad?

Lust drummed through me.

You’re just horny. Leave it alone.

I would have touched myself, if not for the fear of Lei walking back into the bathroom again.

Plus, you’re forgetting that he is still devoted to this Chanel. That is where his heart and mind remain. Do you really want him fucking you, while thinking about her? Ewww.

I exhaled.

Don’t start any bullshit and add more problems to your life.

I swallowed.

Be there for Lei, but. . .keep your body for someone who will see your face, not another woman’s.

Chapter seventeen

The Cinderella Moment


Minutes later, I turned off the water, grabbed a plush hotel towel, dried off, and then wrapped the soft fabric snugly around my body.

Hmmm. This is truly living.

I stepped out.

My skin was flushed from the heat of the water.

Steam trailed behind me.

Peace flowed in my mind.

I’m glad I took a shower. That really helped.

I headed to the door, touched the knob, and paused. Lei would be on the other side, and I was half-naked.

Will things be weird after his peek into the bathroom?

I didn’t mind, but maybe he did.

No. It will be fine. Remember. This is Mr. Chasity Vow.

I shook my head and pushed those thoughts away, not wanting anything to ruin the peace I was experiencing.

We both are grown. Besides, he has a harem. It’s not like he has never seen a naked woman before.

Still, I nervously opened the door a little bit at a time and peeked.


With the door a few inches ajar, I noticed Lei passed out on the bed.

Well that makes things easy.

I had to admit that I was a tiny bit disappointed. Dude had possibly saw me naked in the shower and instead of greeting me with a drooling mouth and a hard-on, he took his ass to sleep.

Guess he was not that impressed then.

Near the bed, a teacup was lying on its side as if he’d had his fill and passed out while placing the cup down.

See. This is what I mean about leaving his virgin ass alone so I don’t have to deal with rejection. Just relax and keep it healing and friendly.

Sighing, I fully opened the door and studied Lei. He slept on his back, one arm flung to the side with an open hand as if he were reaching out to some ethereal body in a dream. The other hand gripped the handcuffs like he was waiting to re-trap me.

The satin sheets were thrown carelessly aside, revealing his robust form.


To my pleasure, he was shirtless.

Well. . .I was right about his having a nice body.

His bronzed, muscular torso was on full display as though he were a marble sculpture just carved by a master craftsman.

The sun was slowly setting.

Fading light seeped into the room and traced a gentle, glistening path over the curves and valleys of his toned physique. His broad shoulders tapered into strong, powerful arms. His chest served as a clear reminder of his strength and power. His abdomen presented sculpted segments that I had only seen in movies, definitely not in real life.

I bit my lip.

His rippling muscles shifted slightly with each slow, even breath he took.

Girl, stop ogling this man’s body.

I lifted my view back to Lei’s face.

The usual sharp focus of his eyes had been softened by his closed lids. A few strands of dark hair fell across his forehead.

Despite his unconscious state, raw and untamed energy pulsed beneath his skin.

Look at him, appearing all peaceful, yet being a killing machine.

