Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Nothing worked.

And every now and then, I gazed down at my father’s blood decorating my shirt. The sight of it shoved me further into a fog of grief so thick and disorienting that the world seemed utterly out of focus.

I can’t keep this on.

Torn apart, I stumbled to the bathroom.

I had to get the top off of me.

It’s wrong.

Once I stepped into the bathroom, a sanctuary of elegant tiles and porcelain greeted me.

There we go.

In the cool, white silence of this space, tears left my eyes.

I’m so sorry, Dad. I thought Leo would help. . .not kill you.

My hands shook.

I breathed in and out. Then, struggled with undressing. My fingers fumbled over the buttons, but once the pajama top was open, I frantically yanked it off.

The top fell to the floor.


A wave of relief flooded me.

However, unclothing had done nothing for the guilt that kept rising in my chest.

I’m so sorry. We had our differences, dad, but. . .you didn’t deserve to die.

Crying, I slipped out of my bra, jeans, and underwear.

When I was all done, I wiped my tears away, stood in front of the mirror, and stared at myself.


My reflection held a mixture of despair and grief-stricken sorrow. No wonder Lei had cuffed himself too me. I still looked like I was one step from jumping off the ledge again.

I have to get myself together.

Covering my bare breasts, I hugged myself, turned toward the shower, and knew I needed to wash this day away.

But, if I do, then what will I wear?

I let out a long breath.

Doesn’t matter. Maybe Lei has an extra shirt or something I could put on.

I made a mental note to let Lei know that I would have to go to my apartment and get clothes. My nerves frazzled at the very idea of stepping into that space, but it needed to happen. Eventually, I would have to go back there and return to my life.

I can’t escape forever.

A cold shiver sliced through me.

Stress twisted in my head. As a result of my father’s murder, more responsibilities weighed my shoulders down. I would have to tell my sisters about his death, plan a funeral, find us a new place, move us there, pay off our debts, and figure out my future while helping them mourn both of our parents.

It’s too much.

I trembled.

Too much for one person.

I hugged myself harder.

Stop. Don’t think too far ahead, just yet. For now. . .take everything one step at a time. Wash. Then, dry. After that, I will figure out the next thing to do. . .and then the next.

I entered the shower and wrapped my fingers around the metal knob, turning it slowly and releasing a current of water that quickly heated up. The hypnotic sound of the rushing water was like an echo, a soothing white noise that served as a barrier between me and this new harsh reality.

Steam rose.

More warm water poured over me. It was more than just physical warmth. It was a balm—a gentle and comforting presence. Each droplet carried its own tiny ray of sunlight, caressing not just my skin but, somehow, my soul as well.

This is good.

I breathed in the faint scent of the soap—a delicate, floral aroma that was familiar and grounding.

I’m feeling a little bit better.

I shut my eyelids, reveling in the heat, noise, and aroma that surrounded me.

Too bad I can’t stay in here for the rest of my life. Just move in the shower and finish out my days.

I parted my mouth and could taste the faint tang of salt on my lips—a combination of sweat and tears that had mingled together. And it was oddly comforting, but I couldn’t explain why.

Second by second, I began to feel cleansed, not just on the outside, but deep within as well. Granted, my grief remained. The wounds of my parents’ deaths would not be leaving anytime soon. However, some of my heart wrenching pain had loosened its grip on my system, allowing me to breathe—to exist.

It was a small step, a tiny fraction of the healing process, but it was a step, nonetheless. And in that moment, it was enough.

More steam rose, swirling and dancing in a spiral motion around my body. The scent of roses and lavender drenched the air.

For the first time since being in the bathroom, I gazed around. This was the nicest space I had ever showered in. It was a far cry from the dark green closet-size area I washed in at my apartment. Add the fact that some days the hot water shut off because of shitty building maintenance, and I almost wanted to kiss Lei on the cheek for giving me this moment of luxury.

I guess. . .I’m glad Lei cuffed me to him. Even though that and this whole day has been. . .dark and insane.

