Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

Up in the front, Chen talked on the phone with Dima, catching him up. Before we’d entered Glory, Dima had bribed the town’s commissioner and made sure the police force would assist us with the hunt. I was sure Chen was confirming this and getting the necessary names.

The police better be there by the time we show up. I want him to feel like he’s being hunted by everyone.

Needing to know more about why my father chose her, I returned my focus to Monique. “Where are you from?”

She glanced back at me. “Glory.”

“And you really just met my father today?”

“Your father?” Monique widened her eyes. Shock filled them. “I. . .didn’t know that you were his son.”

“You don’t know a lot about him.” I frowned. “Next time, be more careful with who you decide to eat lunch with.”

She frowned. “He. . .seemed like a nice guy.”

A dark chuckle left me. “He could’ve sliced you up within seconds.”

Her bottom lip quivered. Fear radiated from her.

I hated causing that reaction, but she needed to know the dangers of him.

That’s all I needed was more beautiful Black women being killed by his hands.

Chen spoke, “How was your father able to take away so much money from a casino? Usually, they’re heavily guarded.”

“I don’t know.” Monique shrugged. “Dutch knew my father had a gambling problem. They let him enter a high roller game anyway and—”

“So this Dutch set this up for him to steal it.” Chen nodded.

“Wait.” Monique shook her head. “Well. . .maybe.”

Duck glanced her way. “You must have sisters that are just as pretty as you.”

“Some would say that,” Monique mumbled. “Damn. Everything happened so fast, I never had the moment to think about how Dutch could have been setting the whole situation up.”

“Your sisters and you can bring in much more than $75,000. This Dutch probably considered the loss an investment.” Chen bobbed his head. “Pimps like to corner women in impossible situations. They probably had the bag right next to your father.”

I added, “And they probably have known your father’s location the whole time.”

Defeated, she leaned back in the seat. “They never thought I would get the money.”

Duck glanced her way. “Why did you go off with Leo, if you didn’t know him?”

“Because. . .” She shook her head and sighed. “Because I was desperate. Because I was scared. Because Leo was the only person who offered to help me and it’s been so long since someone has helped me. . .I forgot how it felt.”

Sad, I looked back out the window.

Monique spoke again, “Because I would do anything to save my sisters.”

My heart ached for her, but I wouldn’t take that detour. I wouldn’t feel for her or anybody else.

The only focus is revenge.

Chapter eight

The Sins of the Father


Chen spoke to Glory’s police commissioner next. He finished the phone call right as we made it to the hotel.

Glory Police blocked the entrance, not letting other cars enter the parking lot or exit. When they spotted my Escalade and vans, they moved the barrier. More Glory Police swarmed the property. They all held pictures. I caught sight of the photo. My father’s smiling face greeted my eyes.

Thank you, Dima.

My longtime friend had a distinct way with dealing with things, and with that came an unrelentless attention-to-detail and tons of notebooks. Had this hunt not dealt with my father, Dima would have stood by my side.

He was the perfect partner-in-crime.

But this was too sticky of a situation. I had to be the only person to spill my father’s blood.

We left the Escalade and marched forward. Chen and Hu flanked my sides. Behind us, Duck walked next to Monique.

We headed by the Glory Sheriff as he tried to calm down a tall, skinny man. “I’m sorry, Bill, but this couldn’t be helped.”

“This is a great disrespect to Mr. Dean and his sons!” The tall man, Bill pointed at us. “And what are all these Japanese people doing around here? I should have my men gun them down!”

“Bill, stay calm. I don’t want to have to arrest you.” The Sheriff looked nervous and took out his handcuffs. “This situation is above your head and mine so—”

“Above our heads? I am the manager of this casino—”

“Not for today, Bill.” The Sheriff eyed me quickly and then turned away. “Best thing to do is to step aside and let these Japanese do what they’re doing.”

We’re Chinese.

I didn’t waste my time explaining that to them. There were more important things than that. We passed those idiots and entered the hotel lobby.

I took in the space.

The place was surprisingly opulent. The interior imitated the style of Ancient Rome, copying the themes that Vegas casinos had for years. The lobby contained towering Roman statues, a host of marble-white columns, and an exorbitant amount of gold leaf.

Before passing the front desk, a huge indoor fountain rested. It featured three nude, marble women, feeding berries and grapes into the waiting mouth of a lounging, nude man. One of the women straddled his waist, suggesting that she was riding him.

