Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)
I followed this odd man, put my hands together, and closed my eyes. Leo didn't say anything across the table, which told me that he must've been keeping his prayer silent.
So I said my own prayer too.
Dear God. I don't know what you're trying to show me. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I woke up to craziness. My whole life is being shaken up, and all I ask for is help. And guidance. Please.
I opened my eyes.
Smiling, Leo stuck his hands in one of the baskets and grabbed a little piggy. “Do you like steamed buns?”
“I’ve never had them.”
“Oh. You must from now on. You can eat steamed buns at any meal, but breakfast is my favorite time.” Leo bit into one, groaned in delight, and mumbled in between bites. “Delicious.”
Hungry, I picked up one.
Okay, God. Please let this be nothing crazy.
I bit into the soft, salty bun. A savory sauce with shredded pork met my tongue. I groaned just as loud as Leo.
The monks chuckled.
Not caring, I licked some of the juices dripping down my finger and bit more of the bun. “This is so good.”
The two women bowed at me.
I nodded.
Then, they disappeared.
You know what? I’m going to stop hating Asian people. I’ll just keep that hate directed at Dad. Asian people have never done anything to me.
Leo pointed to the other basket. “These buns are stuffed with vegetables.”
A tall man entered the courtyard with a long wooden tray and set it down.
“Oh yes. This is a big treat.” Leo rubbed his hands together. “Peking duck roasted to a crisp over jujube wood.”
“Jujube wood?”
Leo picked up pink and gold chopsticks. “The duck must be roasted over 40-year-old jujube wood for longer than 65 minutes.”
“It gives the duck an extra-crispy taste. My wife understood this perfectly.” With the chopsticks, he grabbed a slice of duck. “But the jujube wood is more important than what it does for duck.”
I picked up my two pink and gold chopsticks and studied them. Never had I seen such pretty ones before. Immediately, I did my best to mimic the way Leo’s fingers held them.
He picked up more duck. “Historians and archeologists have discovered that Jesus’s Crown of Thorns was made from the branches of a jujube tree.”
“I didn’t know that.”
“My men’s crosses are made from jujube wood.” Leo gestured to the monks. “Rosary beads are also made from the ancient wood.”
“That’s super interesting.” Feeling semi-confident, I reached my chopsticks out for a slice. The slice fell out of the sticks and back onto the wood. I grabbed it again and as I slowly brought it to my mouth, it fell onto the table.
A woman came out of the shadows.
Where did she come from?
Quickly, she grabbed the meat, wiped it with a cloth, and placed a fork next to me. Embarrassment hit me. While I’d never used chopsticks before, I was sure I could figure them out with a little practice.
Leo placed his chopsticks down and watched me. A stern expression covered his face.
The monks assessed me too.
What’s going on?
I put my focus back on that yummy duck. I decided that I would not give up and use the fork just yet. Reaching out with my chopsticks again, I grabbed a slice. When I was confident, I had a decent grip with the tips, I put it in my mouth with ease.
Leo curved his lips into a smile. “Good. We never give up. We never take the easy route.”
The duck tasted perfect. It was a lush crispiness that exploded with juices.
I could get addicted to this.
Leo went back to the steamed pork buns. “Do you like duck?”
“I’ve only had it once.” I grabbed another slice. “My mother made it for us one thanksgiving. It was cool, but it didn’t make me go crazy. It might’ve been a little dry actually.”
“And after eating this duck?”
“I’ll probably be hunting around Serenity Forest’s lake.” I chuckled and grabbed some duck.
The two women returned with more wood platters and placed them on the table.
Leo gazed at the new food. “I asked Chef Yau for all my favorite dishes because this is a celebration.”
“What are you celebrating?”
His gaze darkened. “My death.”
“I’m so sorry.” I lowered my chopsticks. “You’re sick?”
“Some would say that.”
“How long have you known?”
“Since my wife passed.” Leo looked off at the green and red birds playing around the tree.
I happened to spot two crows resting on the highest branch.
They must’ve flown in here.
Leo moved his view to the crows too. “Death will soon come my way, and when it does, there will be no mercy.”
I placed my hands in my lap. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine. I accepted this a long time ago. And I deserve it.” Leo moved the basket of steamy buns to the side and made room for the new dishes. “Try this rice.”