Beautiful Vengeance – Ruthless Legacy Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 112567 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 563(@200wpm)___ 450(@250wpm)___ 375(@300wpm)

I got the sense that I was one of the few people to ever witness him this way.

Everyone else saw Lei—the Mountain Master.

And I was getting Lei—the man.

He turned back to me. His eyes clouded with confusion and worry. “I loved Chanel. I wanted my first time to be with her. But now that she’s. . .” His voice broke, and he didn’t need to finish the sentence.

The implication was clear.

I nervously froze.

Of course, I understood the depth of his love for her. It was probably why I could probably never see us being more than just. . .best friends.

She had his heart.

Always, she would probably be the other woman in our conversation.

I needed my own man, all to myself.

However. . .we would be together for these next days.

If we were going to comfort each other and explore our desires. . .I felt like the discussion on penetration was warranted.

It’s just my nervousness came from the sudden realization that if he said no to having sex with me in this moment. . .it would still feel like rejection.

And while my mind knew why he would be saying no, my body would feel unworthy. Undeserving. And I wasn’t sure how I would feel about that.

My stomach twisted as he continued, “But now everything is fucked up. And now I don’t know if any of it matters anymore. Why would I hold on to my virginity now? Why not just simply. . .have sex?”

Am I supposed to answer those questions?

Regardless, I stared at him with several answers burning on the tip of my tongue.

Fucking is good! And boy, I could show you some things. You mess around with me for too long, Lei, and you will be outside my door, panting in the middle of the night.

I gritted my teeth and remained silent.

I had already said quite enough today.

“If I was going to lose my virginity to anyone at this point. . .and it was you. . .well. . .” Lei slipped his gaze down my body. “I would be very fucking happy about that.”

Alright. Alright. Not a hard core yes, but more of a. . .“hey, Monique, I would totally fuck you. . .most likely.” I can live with that.

He unfisted his hands. “But for now, I need some time to think about it.”


He leaned his head to the side. “Do you understand?”

“I do.”

“And Monique. . .you are breathtaking and beautiful. Warm, silky, and soft. I love the way you smell, too. It’s not perfume. It’s your skin. I love your eyes. I could probably cum just from staring at them for a long time.”

Shocked, I stood there, pretty much unable to speak.

“And the soft moan that escapes your mouth when I kiss you. . .that makes my body crazy. It makes me want to be inside of you. And. . .”

My voice cracked. “And?”

“You are only the second woman in my life that I have ever considered being inside of. Just Chanel and you.”

“Oh.” I unfolded my arms from my chest. “But what about your harem?”

“They only serve a purpose. They have never incited hot lust like you do.”

Oh shit. I incite hot lust!

“They don’t make my cock jerk in my pants just from being close to me.”

I do that too? Alright now.

“Basically. . .you do that to my body and more.” Lei put his gaze on the ground. “I cannot lie to you. The response my body has to you, well, it makes me feel guilty, and it. . .I don’t know. I need some time to process my rising feelings for you and my. . .umm. . .” He sighed and looked back at me. “And my trying to get over the loss and pain and. . .”

“I understand.”

“What I’m trying to say is that I would need time to think about this.”

His response wasn’t rejection, and it all made perfect sense. In fact, I was happy that we were able to comfortably communicate this. It made me feel closer to him.

“However.” Lei brushed his hand against my wrist, causing a shiver of delight to race down my spine. “If we end up making love. . .”

My body shivered at the very idea.

“It wouldn’t be in some tent on a mountain. I would want it to be extremely special. A captivating memory. A true experience with you that would last a lifetime.”

My chest rose with emotion.

“Because I think that you would make that moment so beautiful, Monique. And that’s why if there was any woman on this earth that I would give my virginity to, it would be you.”

Warmth flooded my body, and my heart swelled. I couldn’t help but smile. Plus, his words were beautiful and the feeling behind them was even more so.

He watched me. “Is that a suitable answer for now?”

“It is.”

“Good.” He leaned forward. “By the way, those visuals you put in my head. . .”

