Beast Mode Todd Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 50
Estimated words: 45548 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 228(@200wpm)___ 182(@250wpm)___ 152(@300wpm)

After I left my parents the morning after I got out, I headed two towns over to the house I’d found for rent in her neighborhood. It was as if providence was on my side. Either that or the fact that I got the family that was living there the fuck out so I could move in.

It wasn’t easy but I pulled enough strings to get that shit done. I needed the proximity for my plan to work and nothing was going to stop me. I started working on my plan to get them out the minute she moved in next door. It was a guy and his girl who were renting out the place on a month, to month basis.

I waited three months before my release and put in a bid for the place, offering to pay more and a half a year in advance. Who doesn’t like money? The owner gave them notice and they moved out the month before I came.

That sounds like a dick move but I was all outta fucks to give. Nothing like a rabid ass marine with a chip on his shoulder. People ought to learn to leave people alone. You never know what the fuck’s living behind the other guy’s eyes.

Before this shit I wasn’t the type. I was more into saving lives than taking them, though I did plenty of that in the marines. I’d even go so far as to say I was a decent human being. Her little stunt had cost me and cost me big. If not for my captain going to bat I could’ve lost my medals, my pension; every fuck that I’d worked hard for. I dare anyone to tell me I should leave this shit alone. Fuck that!

I moved in, in the dead of night under cover of dark and set up shop. This place wasn’t meant to be home so I brought just the bare essentials as far as clothing and food. The place was furnished so I had a bed to sleep in at night. The only thing of real interest to me is my new laptop and the surveillance equipment I was going to need to get the job of her total destruction done.

I had a roadmap in my head of what I was going to do, still not sure how long I planned to drag this shit out for. But I was prepared for the long haul. The only certainties I had was what I was going to do, and the end result, which was putting an end to her cushy little life.

Then I’ll step over her carcass and move the fuck on with mine. She’s lucky I’d given up thoughts of putting one in her head. But even as pissed as I am, I couldn’t bring myself to take her life, my conscience wouldn’t let me go that far. That, or the fact that plan B sounded more promising and would have longer lasting effects.

For three days I’ve been holed up here putting the finishing touches on my master plan, making sure I had all my bases covered. Every once in a while I’d be tempted to rush shit but then I’d remind myself of the ass-fuck I’d be in for if I messed things up, and then I’d calm down again.

I’ve been patient this long, but now that I was this close I was in an all fired hurry to get shit moving. Before I had no choice but to wait, now that I was no longer chained up like a dog, now that my time was my own and I had freedom of movement, there wasn’t really much to stop me walking a few feet down and breaking her fucking neck.

By the end of the third day I’d had everything I needed in place and all that was left was the grand reveal. I’ve imagined this shit a million times, that first look on her face. What will it be? Will she be surprised, horrified, will she even recognize me?

Before that summer five years ago I don’t think we’d ever laid eyes on each other, and the few times we did meet had been rushed and mostly in the evenings in somebody’s backyard under questionable lighting. I almost wish she wouldn’t recognize me, but somehow I think she would.

I turned back to the room once I lost sight of her, flexing my fists as I stalked around the house. I’d been here three days and had already grown tired of the wait. I’d used that time to learn their schedules and the ins and outs of the little house she shared with her soon to be husband.

My parents had tried talking me into staying close to home or at least letting them tag along somewhere, because although I hadn’t shared my plans, they knew me well enough to know that I never let shit go and I know how the fuck to hold a good grudge.

