All Grown Up Read online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 94106 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 471(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

My heart fluttered. This man could turn me into a puddle of mush thirty seconds after embarrassing me half to death. He caused an insane array of emotions to stir alive inside of me—fear, anxiousness, lust, greed, desire.

And there was a little bit of something else sprinkled into that pool of feelings—something I knew deep down would crush me at the end of the summer.

Chapter 17

* * *


“Shit.” Ford pulled into his driveway. A red convertible had parked in front of us, and two girls were removing luggage from the trunk.

“Unexpected company?”

He groaned and shook his head. “Unexpected, no. Unwanted, yes. I forgot Bella’s friends were coming out for the weekend. I think she’s having six of them.”

Each girl had a rolling suitcase and a duffle bag. “Looks more like they’re staying for the summer.”

“They better not be. I should have made her cancel after the crap she pulled. But I totally forgot. And of course, she didn’t remind me.” Ford opened his car door. “I hope you don’t mind me spending a lot of time at your place this weekend.”

I smiled. “That’s fine with me.”

As soon as we exited the car, the girls spotted Ford.

One squealed and rushed over to greet him, her arms open wide as she approached. “Ford! I was hoping you’d be here.” She pressed her young body against his. Ford did the one-arm, pat-on-the-back awkward hug.

“What’s up, Sierra?” He lifted his chin to the other girl. “Hey, Holly.”

The hugger looked him up and down. “You look good.” Her eyes glinted with interest, and she flashed a coy smile. “Then again, you always look good.”

“Yeah. Thanks. I guess my sister is in the house. I haven’t seen her since last night.”

The girls finally noticed another person standing next to Ford, and he made the introductions. “Valentina, these are two of my sister’s pain-in-the-ass friends, Sierra and Holly.”

I smiled. “Nice to meet you, girls.”

Sierra tilted her head, quickly forgetting me. “Can you help me up the stairs with my suitcase, Ford?”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re packing so much for, but yeah, sure. I need to talk to Bella anyway.” He turned to me. “You want to come over?”

I figured I’d let him deal with Bella and her friends on his own. “I have a few things to do. I’ll talk to you later.”

Ford nodded, though he didn’t look thrilled to be going with his sister’s friends.

On my way up the stairs to my front door, I tried not to notice how he looked more their age than mine. I had just been starting to forget, and seeing him with young people brought it all back.

Inside, I started a load of laundry and did a little cleaning. When my phone rang, I grimaced seeing my ex’s name on the screen and considered ignoring it. But we had a son together and shared assets. It wasn’t like he called me to shoot the breeze, so I reluctantly picked up.


“Hey, babe.”

I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him every time he called me that. I’d corrected him at least a dozen times. Perhaps I should’ve argued for the return of my proper name as part of our divorce settlement.

“Valentina, please.”

“Habit. Sorry. Though I don’t get the big deal. I wouldn’t care if you called me a pet name.”

No? Which one would you like? Asshole, dickwad, cheater?

“What can I do for you, Ryan?”

“Jeez, Val. You don’t have to sound so miserable every time I call.”

But I was, and it took effort to hide it—effort I no longer cared to expend. “Have you talked to Ryan? Is everything okay with him?”

“No. I haven’t talked to him. That’s not why I’m calling. I just wanted to let you know I’ll be out in Montauk tomorrow. I have a contractor meeting me to give an estimate at two o’clock for the pilings we need replaced.”

He’d already had one guy come to give an estimate last week.

“Was the first one not good or something?”

“It was high. This guy’s supposed to be more reasonable.”

I sighed. “Okay. Fine. But I’ll be here, so you don’t need to come out.”

“We’ll get a better price if I’m there.”

My brows drew down. “Do you know him or something?”

“No. But men get better prices.”

Such a dick. “Who says?”

“It’s a known fact.”

“I don’t know that to be a fact.”

“That’s because you’re a woman.”

I rolled my eyes. “I can handle it myself. I’d prefer if you didn’t come out.”

“You don’t have to be a bitch about it. I’m coming, and that’s the end of the discussion.”

That sounded more like the Ryan I knew.

“Actually, this is the end of the discussion.” I hit disconnect and tossed my phone on the table.

God, how had I stayed married to that jerk for twenty years?

I decided to go for a walk on the beach to clear my head and get some exercise. Changing into a sundress, I dug my headphones from a drawer, lubed up with sunscreen, and tied my hair in a ponytail.

