All Grown Up Read online Vi Keeland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 94106 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 471(@200wpm)___ 376(@250wpm)___ 314(@300wpm)

“Let me guess instead. We’re doing something inappropriate?”

He grinned. “Now you’re catching on.”


Inappropriate turned out to be a pretty long drive. We’d been on the road about forty-five minutes already. Ford wouldn’t tell me where we were heading, but the minute I saw the sign up ahead, I knew he’d be turning. I wasn’t wrong.

Cupid’s Pleasures, as the sign read, was an adult toy store. I’d passed it a million times on the way out to Montauk myself, yet never stopped.

“I have been in an adult store before, you know.”

Ford turned off the car and shifted in his seat to face me. “To shop for yourself or a gift for someone?”

“A gift. Instead of a wishing well at Eve’s bridal shower, we had a dirty toy box.”

“Good. Then these questions should be a piece of cake?”

My brows drew down. “Questions?”

“You’re going to ask the salesperson some questions about their products.”

My eyes widened.

Ford chuckled. “I’m guessing you’ve only ever gone in and bought something, hoping you didn’t see anyone you knew.”

“What kind of questions do you think I’m asking?”

He leaned forward and planted a chaste kiss on my lips. “Inappropriate ones, of course.”

I didn’t want to let him see I was nervous, so I walked into the store with my head held high.

Inside, two men stood behind the counter. I inwardly winced. Of course, it couldn’t have been two women. Asking a strange man a question about anything to do with sex toys was totally outside my comfort zone.

Ford saw the look on my face and tried to ease me into it, saying he’d ask the first question. That prospect had me intrigued enough. Even if I was going to chicken out, I might as well stay for the entertainment.

We perused the shop for a little while. Looking at all the intimate toys made me feel an odd mix of intrigued, nervous, and turned on.

The back of the store had an open alcove section filled with videos. Ford leaned down as he thumbed through the porn. “Watch how easy it is.” He cleared his throat and called over to the clerk at the counter. “Excuse me. Do you have any videos that are strictly anal?”

The clerk answered. “Yeah, sure. You looking for male-male or male-female?”


The guy pointed to a wall behind us. “Check out the Back Door is Always Open series. I think there’s about ten of them. Good quality.”


Ford leaned close to me again. “The Back Door is Always Open? You said that to me this morning when I texted. If I’d realized what you were trying to tell me, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

I laughed. “I think you’re going to need the movies for a while for that.”

Ford walked away and came back a few minutes later holding a plastic package in his hand.

He held it out to me. Anal balls.

“Go ask if these come in a larger size.”

My immediate reaction was no way. But I wanted to prove I wasn’t a chickenshit—maybe I even needed to prove it to myself.

I chewed on my lip for a minute before taking the package out of his hands. “Fine.”

The shocked look on Ford’s face gave me enough courage to go through with it. He didn’t think I had the balls. Looking down—I literally had the balls in my hands.

I waltzed over to the counter. “Ummm. Excuse me. Do you know if these come in a larger size?” I could feel my face starting to heat…and…I felt a sneeze coming on.

The guy answered as if I’d asked him the time. “They do. They’re special order. The ones in the store are glass and go up to one inch on the last bead. But this manufacturer also has a silicone set that goes up to two inches and another that goes up to three. Would you like me to order you a set? We can have them delivered direct to the house to save you a return trip.”

“Ahhhh...” I knew my face was flaming red. I covered my mouth and turned my head. “Achoo! Excuse me.”

“God bless you.”

I still had the anal balls in my hand, and the guy was waiting for an answer. “Ummm. I’ll think about it. Thanks.”

Before I could scurry away, Ford was at my side. He set the anal video the clerk had directed him to on the counter and took the beads from my hands. “We’ll just take these for now.”

The clerk rang us up, and somehow I managed to get out of the store without dying of embarrassment. In the parking lot, we started to crack up. Ford kissed me up against the car through our smiles.

I looked around. “Is there a bus full of schoolchildren I’m being inappropriate in front of or something?”

Ford pushed my hair behind my ear. “No, I just can’t resist kissing you.”

