A Royal Christmas Cruise Read online Max Walker (Stonewall Investigations Miami #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Stonewall Investigations Miami Series by Max Walker

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 61903 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 310(@200wpm)___ 248(@250wpm)___ 206(@300wpm)

“I’m going to come, Nick. You’re gonna make me come.”

He warned me, but I didn’t pull off. I just sucked him farther into my mouth.

The first jet of come shocked me. It hit the back of my throat with a force that almost hurt. The one that followed hit just as deep, but I was ready, swallowing it down, taking him like a shot.

I had tasted myself before. It was only enough to coat my thumb when I had tried it, but Shy fed me a mouthful. It was thick and salty and intoxicating.

Shiro twitched and spasmed as he lifted his legs, squeezing his thighs around my head as he exploded down my throat.

I couldn’t take it. I came with him, blowing my load onto the floor. Thick splats sounded as I came in an endless stream, still tasting Shy in my mouth even as I pulled off, shouting with the sound of my climax, come dripping off my lip.

When it was all said and done, the two of us were fucking spent. I looked up and wiped my mouth, smiles cracking across both of our flushed faces. I collapsed forward, my face falling on Shiro’s hard abs, his softening cock pressed against my chest, making me sticky and wet.

“That was… wow. I’m fucking speechless,” I said, out of breath.

Shiro’s fingers traced gentle circles across my shoulders, slipping me into a trance.

“And that was your first time? With a man?”

“First blow job.” I smiled against his abs. “How’d I do?”

“I don’t know. I might have to do some detective work. I don’t believe that was your first time, Prince Nick.”

I playfully nipped at his skin. “Just Nick.” I kissed the same spot I bit. “And it was my first time. Glad I impressed… banana boy.”

We stayed in my room for hours after, playing around, exploring each other, kissing and stroking and sucking. It was bliss. If Shiro didn’t have to get back down to his friends, I don’t think I ever would have left the room. I didn’t care where the cruise ship took us next—all I wanted was Shy’s naked body against mine.

I especially didn’t want to leave the room when it meant going back out there and having to play pretend all over again. Having to keep some distance between me and the man of my wet dreams all because I was scared someone would take an unsolicited shot of us.

But we had to do it. Reality trumped the scorching fantasy that had played out behind closed doors.

At least, for now it did.

12 Shiro Brooks


The cruise ship glowed underneath the lights that shined on it from shore. There were red, green, and white rows of light that emitted from each level of the ship, sometimes blinking and sometimes steady, adding a magical touch. The sleek, modern design of the ship, with its seventeen decks and mostly glass exterior, made it seem as if it were something from the future, having traveled time and landed on the shores of St. John’s Island, where Nick and I walked, heading toward a popular market, live music and the sound of cheerful crowds drifting toward us.

We laughed over Nick’s childhood fear of the movie Jumanji and how he was scared a stampede would burst through his home library at any second.

“The fact that you even have a home library is still crazy to me,” I said. “Which, duh, you grew up in a palace.” It would hit me out of nowhere. How I was hanging out and quickly falling for the prince of freaking Spain.

And yes. I was falling. Really damn hard.

This “fake” friendship turned real had exploded as quickly as a wildfire driven by strong, hot winds. Like a hurricane on fire. Over the past few days, I had found more in common between me and Nick than I felt like I ever had between me and Mason. And this was even taking into consideration the fact that Nicholas was a certified prince next in line for the throne. As opposite as you could get from my life as an immigrant and my career as a detective. The only throne that had been waiting for me was the driver’s seat with the scratched-up black leather inside the beat-up and sunburnt Honda Civic my dad had given me for my eighteenth birthday.

And still, I felt completely comfortable around Nick, and I loved spending every single second I could around him. It helped that he got along really well with my friends, too. We even came clean about Nick’s real name, although we held back his last name when Ace asked randomly.

So a lot of the time it was all of us hanging out and exploring. But when it was just me and Nick … that was when the fireworks went off at a constant rate.

