Wrong (#1) Read Online Free Book L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 87961 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 440(@200wpm)___ 352(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

“Fucking take it, Crystal.” I pull in a breath, picturing those steel-blue eyes of Tor’s glaring up at me.

Crystal deep throats me, her finger pressing on me in just the right spot as heat spreads over my body. I hold her in place. I feel my balls tighten, my muscles stiffen, and I pull out of her mouth, furiously beating off on her face.

“Shit! JP!” she yells, her hand wiping over her cheek.

I fall back on the couch, some of the whisky sloshing out of the glass I’m still holding onto. I suck the last bit down. I sit, my pants around my ankles, and think about how fucked up it is that I just had one of my stripper’s deep throat my shit while I fantasized about a girl locked up in my room as collateral for a debt.

Women don’t do that to me. They don’t get to me...but she does. There’s no room for sentiment in my world. She’s involved with Joe, of course I want her, I’m supposed to want her, which only makes me fucking angry that I do. Joe’s a fucker. It’s hard to kill something you want, bastard knows that. I can’t let him fuck me over. I won’t let him fuck me over, and I’ll fuck up any intentions he had. I have no choice in the matter. My hands are literally tied behind my back. I’m either going to kill her, or save what’s left of her once I’m done with her.

When I wake up the next morning and my vision comes into focus, I find two massive men standing beside the bed, staring at me.

“What the hell?” I croak. “Who are you?”

They say nothing, and without warning, one of the guys grabs my leg, dragging me from the bed. I hit the floor hard, hitting my elbow as I go down.

“What the fuck? Who are you? Where is Jude?” I try to crawl away from him, my heart slamming against my ribs. I never thought that I would wish for Jude, but suddenly I wish he were here. He scares the shit out of me, but I trust him not to deliberately hurt me. These guys, though...these guys look like they would rape and kill me just for shits and giggles.

The two men scoff at each other. “Oh, he had to go take care of some business.” One of them grabs my shoulder and yanks me to my feet. “He asked us to handle you while he’s gone. Get you ready for when he gets back.”

He shoves me toward the door. “Now move it.”

I stumble, grasping for anything to get me away from these ogres. “I need to wee,” I blurt. He scowls at me. “Please.”

“Fine. Fucking hurry up.”

He stands in the doorway with his back to me. Shit, what am I going to do? This is it, I know it is. I don’t know if Jude’s in on this or not. I know he’s an arsehole, but I’ve always taken him as the kind of guy that handles his dirty work himself. If he wants me killed, the least that bastard could do is pull the trigger himself.

I wash my hands, keeping my eyes down, not wanting to look at him. I can smell him from here. He smells like cheap whiskey and sweat.

“Time’s up. Move your ass.” He grabs my arm, dragging me out of the bathroom and across the bedroom. His grip on my arm is so tight my fingers are growing tingly from the restricted blood flow. He doesn’t let up as he moves through the house. I can hear the other guy behind me, but he does nothing to help me. We pass what looks like a living room, which has at least four different televisions playing various sports games.

I’m lead to a door. Once it opens, I’m staring down a set of stairs. “Walk,” the guy hisses, shoving me forward.

I stumble down the wooden staircase, my pulse becoming more frantic with every step. At the bottom, my bare feet hit what feels like rough, cold concrete.

I hear the click of a light switch, and a fluorescent light flickers to life overhead. I’m standing in a plain room. The floor is concrete with tiled walls. There are various cabinets on the walls, and a gurney in the middle of the room. I guess this is a criminal’s version of a medical room.

The brute keeps shoving me across the room and to a door on the far side. He opens it. Another fluorescent light buzzes on. I involuntary push back against him as he pushes me forward. I don’t want to go any further into this room. There are guns and knives everywhere. Jesus, this looks like something out of a mafia film.

Wooden racks are stacked with assault rifles. Strings of bullets hang from the walls. There are boxes labelled with explosives. Shit, what are they going to do? Start a fucking war?

