Wrath – Satan’s Fury MC Read Online L. Wilder

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 72617 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

“I respect your confidence.” Bruton thought for a moment, then said, “I will allow one of your men to attend the exchange.”

“And when will that be?”

“Today.” Bruton stood, then announced, “Have whomever you chose at my place at two.”

Without another word, Bruton turned and walked out of the room.

After a heated debate, it was decided that I would go with Bruton’s men and observe the exchange. Three hours later, I was sitting between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, and I was doing my best not to speak as Jarhead drove us all into the city.

It wasn’t easy.

I had a ton of questions that I wasn’t allowed to ask, and it didn’t help that Jarhead was a shit driver. But I did as I was told. I kept my trap shut and watched, taking in everything from how Bruton’s men interacted with one another to the weapons they carried.

They didn’t make it easy.

They rarely spoke, but I saw the side-eye glances and the slight fidgets. I knew what they were up to. Like my brothers and me, they were in sync. They didn’t have to speak to let the others know what was on their minds. I liked that. I respected it.

And as far as their weapons were concerned, they were well hidden beneath their black business suits, but I could still make out the outline of their Glocks on their hips. They were well armed and seemingly prepared for whatever lay head.

Now, it was just a matter of waiting.

I just had to sit there between the two knuckleheads who didn’t speak and wait until we arrived at the location of the drop.

It had already been over an hour, and it was getting harder and harder not to think about Mia and how incredible her body felt next to mine. A wave of euphoria washed over me as I replayed the memories in my head. It was a crazy night filled with passion and an unexpected connection. It was like the world around us had melted away and we were propelled into our own little universe—a place where time stood still and everything else faded into insignificance.

The memory of her touch lingered on my skin, leaving me with a delicious ache that served as a reminder of the fiery desire that had consumed us. Her soft whimpers still echoed in my ears, intertwining with the sounds of our bodies colliding together. It was intense and so fucking good.

It wasn't just the fucking that had left me spellbound. It was her. It was the way she looked at me, her eyes filled with a mix of desire, adoration, and a hint of mischief. It was the way she touched me like she knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to take it. Just thinking about it had my cock throbbing, forcing me to shift in my seat.

I wasn’t like this.

I didn’t get stirred up by a woman.

She’d done something to me. She made me want her, long for her touch, and that was the last thing I needed, especially now. I needed to be focused on the task at hand, not thinking about the woman I couldn’t have. Thankfully, I got the distraction I needed when Jarhead turned down a deserted road on the outskirts of the city.

I could feel the tension growing in the SUV, so I knew we were getting close. Seconds later, we pulled up to an old, dilapidated brick building and parked. Jarhead killed the engine, then turned to me and said, “Stay put.”

I didn’t respond. I simply sat there and watched as the three men got out of the SUV and did a thorough sweep of the area. They’d just made it back to the SUV when a black van pulled up next to us. Bruton’s men stood close together, waiting patiently as their distributors got out of the vehicle.

It was two men—one tall and broad with reddish hair and the other short and stout with gray hair and dark sunglasses. They spoke for a moment, and then something caught the attention of one of Bruton’s men. He looked off into the distance for a moment but quickly returned to his conversation.

Something was off. I could feel it in my bones. I leaned forward, trying to get a better view of my surroundings, but the dark tint on the windows made it difficult to see anything except what was straight in front of me. They continued to talk, and I could do nothing but sit there in that damn SUV and watch as one of the men handed Jarhead a thick envelope.

He’d just started to place the envelope in the side pocket of his jacket when his head reared back, and blood splattered across the passenger side window. I had no chance to process what I’d seen when Jarhead was hit directly between the eyes. My breath caught when he dropped to the ground. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum seemed just as thrown as I was.

