Wrath Read Book Online L.P. Lovell, Stevie J. Cole (Wrong #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: , Series: Wrong Series by L.P. Lovell

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 85183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 426(@200wpm)___ 341(@250wpm)___ 284(@300wpm)

"I'm not going to a fucking doctor, Jude!" I shout over my shoulder as I descend the stairs. He probably can't even hear me over his own temper tantrum. Of all the men I could have gotten knocked up with, it had to be him.

Marney glances at me as I pass by. He's sat at the breakfast bar smoking a cigarette and reading the paper. A cup of coffee sits in front of him that I'm sure is ninety percent whiskey. He peeks over the edge of his paper. His eyes flick down to my stomach. I'm wearing a tight tank, because well, what the fuck does it matter now? The way they're all acting, you would think I'm the size of a whale.

"I take it you told him?" he asks me.

I sigh. "No, but he knows. Which is fan-fucking-tastic."

He chuckles. "Aw, hell. Did he get his panties in a bunch?"

I roll my eyes. "What do you think? Go to the doctor, Tor." I try to mimic his voice. "Arsehole." I can talk to Marney, really talk to him. If Caleb was the brother I never had, then Marney is the father I always wanted, minus the murderous criminal thing.

"Humph." He pops the paper back out and reaches for his coffee. "He cares about you; that's all. Jude has one emotion. Anger. He's like a caveman."

I snort. "Yep, that's Jude. He'll be pissing on me and beating his chest soon."

Marney chuckles. "Let the man have his moment." His eyes stray back down to the gun in my hand. "You 'bout to go shoot? Jude, should like that, the woman carrying his seed with a gun." He arches an eyebrow.

"I swear to God, Marney. You start this shit..." I huff.

He laughs and takes a long drag of his cigarette, holding his hands up innocently. "Go on then."

I walk out the screen door, his raspy laughter following me. The warm sunshine hits my skin, and the scent of pine trees fills my senses. I love it out here. I love the vast open space around the cabin, the thick woods that surround it. You could live up here for months and never even know that another soul existed. It's peaceful.

I move just inside the tree line and flick the safety off the gun. I lift the weapon and point it at the target which is messily marked on a nearby tree. Various bullet holes disrupt the edges of the paint, splintering the bark. I fire one shot after another, allowing it to cleanse me. I find it therapeutic, a release if you like.

I release the empty clip and take a new one out of my back pocket. I've just clicked it into place when the screen door bangs and Jude comes barreling down the steps. "What are you fucking doing?" he shouts.

I sigh and turn back to the target, pulling the trigger again.

I hear the pine needles crunch beneath his boots, and he stops behind me. "Don't fucking ignore me."

I turn to face him. "Then don't be a fucking prick!"

I can see anger flash across his features, but he reins it in, which does nothing but infuriate me further. "Give me the gun, Tor. And that is not a request!"

"Oh, you fucking..." I grit my teeth and point the gun at him. "Fuck you, Jude!" I'm so angry. "I'm pregnant for fuck sake, not disabled or mentally deficient. I'm not suddenly going to shoot myself!"

Arching his brow, he reaches for the gun. "Give it to me!"

I shove the barrel into his chest. "Careful. You never know when I might have a hormonal outburst," I growl. He cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Give. Me. The. Gun."

I throw it on the ground and storm past him. "Arsehole!"

"Please tell me you did not just throw a loaded gun onto the goddamn ground?" he groans as he bends to pick it up. "Fuck, Tor. It was cocked!"

"Shame it didn't have a misfire!" I shout, without turning back around to look at him.

I walk into the kitchen and Marney is still sat there, paper in hand, a small smile on his face. He places his cigarette between his lips and inhales. "How'd that work out for ya?"

I want to scream. I want to fucking scream. "He's a fucking dick!"

Jude comes storming through the door behind me. "Stop acting like a fucking kid about it, Tor!" He glances over at Marney and shakes his head. He snatches the cigarette from Marney's lips, smashing it out on the counter. "No more fucking smoking around her! You hear me?" he shouts.

Marney's gaze drifts from Jude to me. "Did he piss on you yet?"

"Clearly not. I think he might be bordering on clinically insane. Tell him, Marney! Before I fucking kill him. He's known for half an hour, half a fucking hour, and I already want to slit his throat in his sleep!"

