Wicked Pursuit (Black Rose Auction #1) Read Online Katee Robert

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Novella Tags Authors: Series: Black Rose Auction Series by Katee Robert

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 66217 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 331(@200wpm)___ 265(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)


Idon’t exactly take my time in the shower, but I don’t rush either. It’s nearly another hour later when I finally walk into the foyer. Set up against the wall, there’s an antique bench that no one ever uses. Casimir looks absurd perched on the edge of it, his elbows propped on his knees. He’s not fidgeting or showing even the smallest sign of impatience. But when he looks up as I walk through the archway, his pale eyes go molten hot.

“Hey, baby.”

I chose my clothing carefully, wanted to remind him of everything he said he’s been missing for the last twelve days. My short wrap dress is a deep crimson that matches my lips. I’ve curled my hair so it falls around my shoulders in careless waves. I look fucking good.

He looks even better. As Luke, he often wore suits for work, but they were always slightly ill fitting. As Wolf, he only ever showed up in a hoodie, jeans, and a skull mask, his leather gloves constantly in place. Now he’s wearing a designer suit that fits him so perfectly, it has to be tailored. The dark blue contrasts with a pale-blue shirt nearly the same color as his eyes.

All I want to do is rip everything off him and reacquaint myself with his body, but Dad’s warning lingers in my mind. The stakes have never been higher. If I make this choice, it’s for keeps. I don’t get to back out or change my mind later. I know what my heart is saying. I know what my head is saying too.

What I don’t know is what Casimir is thinking.

“Did you do what I asked you?” I finally say.

“Things in Russia were a little more complicated than I expected.” He gives a slight shrug. “My uncle doesn’t like to be challenged, so it had to be handled delicately.”

“That’s not an answer, Casimir.”

He reaches into his jacket and produces a paper. I accept it and unfold it, finding a letter from Jovan. It’s a lot of flowery shit and doublespeak, and while he gives his word not to attack the Belmonte territory . . . there are obviously a lot of loopholes he left open to exploit. “This isn’t good enough.”

“I know.” He stares at me intently. “I spoke with my father, and while he is not the leader of the Romanov family, his word is above reproach.” He rises slowly to his feet. “If you say yes to me, then my branch of the Romanov family will stand with us regardless of whether or not Jovan goes back on his word. I can’t speak for the other territories—they’ll have to figure their shit out—but the Belmonte territory and all its people are safe from Romanov meddling. My family and I will make sure of it.”

I blink, trying to process what the fuck he just said. Casimir’s uncle Jovan is the ultimate ruler of the Romanov family, which means his children are the ones who will inherit that throne. If what Casimir’s saying is true, then his father, the second Romanov brother, would potentially rebel if Jovan gave the order to hurt us. “How am I supposed to believe that?”

“I give you my word. Like my father’s, it’s less . . . malleable . . . than my uncle’s.” He stops in front of me but makes no move to touch me. “My father and his brothers present a united front to the rest of the world because our enemies are vast, and any sign of weakness has a risk of being exploited. That doesn’t mean my father likes every choice my uncle makes. I might be firstborn, but I’m heir to nothing. My parents and siblings won’t stand back if Jovan ever decides to come for us. They’ll stand with us.”

I should find that comforting, but all it does is spotlight just how dire the stakes are. I stare up into the face of the man I love and wonder if I’m about to make a terrible mistake. But even as I think that, I don’t really believe it. Casimir sees me. He’s twisted in just the right way to match my crooked heart. “If you try to undermine me, I will make you wish you were dead,” I finally say.

His grin is slow and wicked. “Noted. We’ll present a united front in public, and if I have an issue with one of your orders or policies, I’ll take it up with you privately.”

“Well . . . good.”

“I don’t want to rule, baby, but I’m good at getting my hands dirty, and you’re going to need that skill set for what comes next. No one will touch you. I promise.”

I reach out but stop before placing my hand on his chest. “What if I want them to touch me?”

