Wicked Envy Read online Sawyer Bennett (Wicked Horse Vegas #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Wicked Horse Vegas Series by Sawyer Bennett

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82034 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 410(@200wpm)___ 328(@250wpm)___ 273(@300wpm)

“No, I wasn’t,” is all I tell him. I don’t even know the name of the guy I was with, and I don’t care to. I only know that he fucked me from behind out on The Deck, and it was fantastic.

The silence is heavy between us while Andrew just stares at me. At least he’s not looking at me like I’m an idiot, but I can tell he’s learning something new about his friend that he never in a million years thought he’d find out.

“What happened Friday night…” I say softly, and his eyes focus in on mine. “Did that hurt our friendship?”

“You mean am I going to toss away seventeen years of friendship because we happened to watch each other have sex with someone else?”

I nod with a sly grin.

“No,” he says with a sigh. “Of course not. It’s insane how many times I’ve inadvertently seen Dane having sex with someone, and I’ve never thought twice about it. I just need to put you in that same category, I guess.”

I can do nothing but nod my agreement with his sentiment, because that was the best I could hope for. I don’t share with him, however, that I do think the friendship has changed.

I remembered Friday night and the way Andrew and I stared at each other while we were in the throes of sexual pleasure with other people. We refused to look away from each other in embarrassment, and that right there changed everything.

It strengthened my feelings for Andrew. It tightened my bond with him. It made me respect him even more that we could share something so wild and uninhibited, and still sit here right now validating our friendship is as strong as ever.

Friday night at The Wicked Horse changed everything between Andrew and me, but I don’t think he realizes the extent of it just yet.

But I do provide him with a hint. “In your office Friday, when we discussed going to The Wicked Horse and Dane was clearly bent out of shape about me going?”

“You just caught him by surprise,” Andrew says to defend his friend. I can’t help but smile because that’s something the three of us do routinely… rush to the defense of one who is pitted against another.

But then my smile turns sober, and I tell Andrew the truth. “It was the first time I felt excluded by the two of you.”

“He didn’t mean it—”

“Being in The Orgy room with you Friday night… as we shared all that was good, consensual, and fulfilling. It was nice to share that with you, Andrew.”

Not unexpectedly, Andrew blushes but his smile in return is genuine.

“It truly showed me that I could be equal to you in all ways,” I add on softly. “And as we’re able to sit here now and talk about this, and you’re not looking at me like I’m crazy… well, it means everything to me.”

Andrew stands up from his chair and comes around the desk. His eyes stay pinned on me the entire time, even when he squats down by my knees. He takes one of my hands and squeezes it. “There is nothing that you could do that would ever make me look at you differently, Av. And I mean nothing.”

I’ve never been an overly emotional woman, really only crying during sad movies or over injured animals. I definitely have a temper, but I’ve been fortunate that it usually manifests into icy but collected deliberation before I act in response.

Well… except for the getting drunk and dumping Jamie’s stuff on the front lawn. I guess that day I acted as a truly betrayed woman whose heart was hurt and whose pride was deflated.

That was then though, and this is now, and my eyes mist up slightly.

Leaning forward and pulling my hand away from Andrew’s, I give him a hug. He stands up, and I have no choice but to stand as well since my arms are wrapped around his shoulders.

He reciprocates by engulfing me in his embrace and rocking me back and forth. With a last squeeze, he lets me go and we step back from one another.

Andrew gives a little cough, drops his gaze, and then looks back up at me. “So… um, I better get back to work.”

“Me too,” I say with a smile. “Thanks for the talk.”

“Yeah… sure.”

I turn for the door but before I reach it, Andrew asks, “Are you going back?”

My hand freezes on the knob as I twist my neck to look at him over my shoulder. “I am. Are you?”

Andrew shrugs. “Maybe. Not sure.”

“If you liked it,” I tell him candidly. “You should go back.”

To my surprise, the doorknob twists under my hand from someone on the other side. A quick knock and the door is opening, so I step back. Dane pokes his head in, looking at me first, then Andrew, and then back to me.

