Who’s Your Daddy – Secret Santa Daddy Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 56560 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 283(@200wpm)___ 226(@250wpm)___ 189(@300wpm)

“Oh, that’s so pretty…and listen to that happy sound. You’re being such a good boy for Daddy.” He was being so naughty…but he was rubbing my bottom…so I decided to tell him he was naughty later. “Let’s make that bottom even prettier.”

Moaning as he spanked my other cheek, I pressed my face into the bed as the warm heat moved slowly through me like a wave.

Daddy was really good at taking directions.

Probably because he was so planner smart.

“Oh yes, that’s such a cute tushy.” He was kind of evil, though. “Do you like our game, sweet boy?”

How he could be so naughty and sound like a happy Disney character, I had no idea.

But I liked it.

And he knew it.


“Yes, Daddy.” No, Enzo. I was going to fix it but he spanked me again. “Daddy…”

“Yes, that’s my good boy.” Daddy ran his spanking hand over my bottom and he used his other hand to stroke my head. “So relaxed and so sweet.”

I liked being Daddy’s good boy…but I really liked my spanking.

The warm waves kept rolling through me and Daddy kept rubbing his favorite pink parts. He was so happy every time I moaned.

He called me his good boy.

“You come up with the best games, sweet boy. I like playing with you.” Devious Daddy was still sounding too happy, but it just made it even better and my brain started to forget why I was supposed to be grumbling. “Oh, you’re so cute. Yes, spread your legs for Daddy. That makes the game even better.”

Naughty. Naughty Daddy.

But he had very nice fingers.

“Oh, that tickles, doesn’t it?” Daddy softly ran his fingers around my achy place and he chuckled when I nodded and shivered again because of his happy sounds. “I like tickling my sweet boy.”

He shouldn’t…

He really shouldn’t say it like…like that.


“Such good sounds from my boy, and look, you’re already humping my lap.” He was so happy and so proud of me that he made me giggle. “Oh, my happy, humpy boy.”

Daddy was so funny.

He even laughed too and that made me more wigglier. “You’re so cute. Yes, that’s my good boy with his pretty bottom.”

My warm pretty bottom.

Daddy was so good at making me feel good and that was so good.

“I love your sounds, baby boy. That’s right. More happy humpies. Show me how much you like your spanking.” Daddy gave the best orders. “Are you thinking about the games we can play later?”

Oh, more games.

“I…I like games, Daddy.” Lots. I liked them lots. “Big games and little games and silly games.”

“And naughty games?” Daddy snickered when I giggled and nodded. “I have a good game we can play.”

I was going to ask what kind of game, but he gave me two more of the best spanks and my brains went boom and scattered like Legos when they got dropped.

So I humped and made happy sounds as I picked them all up, but it was so distracting I missed something important.

The naughty stuff.

Daddy was very pleased with himself when he slid one finger inside me and I moaned. “Yes, this is going to make your spanking even more relaxing.”

He…he didn’t understand…he didn’t understand that word.

“You’re going to be my happy little omega. Just like the book Leander is reading.” Daddy laughed when I groaned. “Yes, we all heard about that. So let’s play pretend.”

Daddy picked out naughty games.

He was the best.

“Clench your slick hole for Daddy. Yes, that’s my good omega.” It was Daddy’s turn to moan even though it was my slick he was playing with. “This is the prettiest bottom on the cutest omega.”

I was going to tell him what a good omega I was, but he spanked me again. The heat went through me and he tickled me again and squeezed my cheeks. Then he made a happy sound. The words just wouldn’t stay put, but that was okay because he liked my wiggles and my moans.

“I think my omega is ready to be knotted.” Daddy sounded so happy that it took me another spank before I realized what he’d said.


“Please. I. Please. Alpha. I.” I was trying to get better words out but they kept disappearing and wouldn’t stay put.

“Oh, such sweet begging.” Daddy’s voice went deeper as he eased his finger out of my slick hole. “Who’s going to knot you and claim you, little omega?”

“You…oh…” He’d found the good toy. “Alpha…”

Daddy squeezed one cheek as he eased the alpha cock inside me. “That’s right…and what is your alpha going to do to this slick, tight little hole?”

He was going to make me moan and wiggle and clench and beg…yes… “Please…Alpha…please…”

Daddy’s wicked chuckle sent a shiver through me and that just made the cock feel thicker. “That’s right. Your alpha is going to knot his needy omega.”

Oh wow.

He’d figured out the toy.

The knot part got bigger, and every time I moaned, he made sexy, happy sounds, which made me moan more. Then the knot started pressing against my button and he spanked me again. Then everything went fuzzy.

