When We Burn (The Blackwells of Montana #1) Read Online Kristen Proby

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: The Blackwells of Montana Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 102016 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 510(@200wpm)___ 408(@250wpm)___ 340(@300wpm)

“Interrupted doing what?”

I turn at the sound of my sister’s voice and wince again.


“He’s trying to date Dani, but he’s a single dad, and his kid is always around,” Millie informs her, giving her the bare version of the story.

“Oh, I wanted to talk to you,” Billie says, and then pauses. “Well, now I want to talk to you about a couple of things, but the first is, I want Birdie for the weekend.”

“Convenient,” Millie says with a toothy smile, waggling her eyebrows. “Say you have the weekend off, Bridge.”

“I have the weekend off.” I turn to my sister. “Why do you want my kid?”

“Because I’m less than two weeks from opening my supremely fabulous bookstore, and I want to celebrate with my best girl. I’m going to spoil the shit out of her. Auntie time is important, and I’ve been too busy to take her much. I’ll pick her up from school tomorrow and bring her home on Sunday.”

I blink in surprise, thankful once again that my kid has such an incredible network loving on her. It’s not the first time she’s spent the weekend with Bee—one of the necessities of being a fire chief and a single dad. But then a plan begins to form. “Okay. What was the other thing you wanted to talk about?”

“You’re dating Dani? Our friend Dani? My best friend, Dani Lexington?”

“I don’t know any others.”

Billie frowns and looks down at the coffee that Millie just passed her. “But it’s Dani.”

“Do you have a problem with her?” I cross my arms over my chest, waiting. “Like you just said, she’s one of your best friends, Bee.”

“I know. I love her to pieces, but…I’m surprised, that’s all.”


My sister sighs, side-eyes Millie, and chews on her lip.

“It’s okay,” Millie says. “Say it.”

“She’s just not your usual type. And I say that with all the love in my heart for Dani. She’s the best. But with her past, and—” She blows out a breath. “You know what? Never mind. It’s none of my business.”

“She’s stronger than you give her credit for.” My voice is low but not soft, and Billie winces. “Don’t tell me you think she’s damaged goods or something fucking stupid.”

“Jesus, no.” She looks horrified, and that makes me feel marginally better. “I’m simply surprised, that’s all. But she’s awesome, so I hope it works out. Now, come see my fabulous store.”

She takes my hand and leads me out of the coffee shop and next door, and it takes me a moment to snap out of my sudden mood. “She’s just not your usual type.” She’s always been my fucking type, but I’ve had to steer clear.

Shake it off.

When we step inside, I’m surprised to find that most of the bookshelves are already full.

“Wow, you’ve done a lot of work in here, Bee.”

“I know. My back is killing me, and I need to find a massage therapist. But I love it so much. I need Birdie’s help this weekend buying children’s books for the kids’ corner over there. I want to do a story hour once a month, and I want it to be a fun spot for kids to sit and read while their parents browse.”

“I hate to burst your bubble, but you’ll probably end up with some ripped books and stuff. Kids aren’t usually careful.”

“I’ll have some out that the kids can read and damage, and the brand-new ones will be in cellophane if they’re within reach.”

“Good idea.”

She shows me around each section. I notice the romance section takes up more than half of the store, and when I point that out, Bee grins.

“As it should be,” she says. “It’s the best-selling genre out there.”

“You’re the expert. Are you sure you want Birdie for the whole weekend?”

“Yes. I was about to call you, actually, so don’t even worry about us. I have extra meds for her at my place, just in case, remember? Not that she’ll need them.”

“I really would like to spend some alone time with Dani.” And I’m completely floored that Bee’s offer aligns with my weekend off. That never happens, but it’s something I’ve tried to implement across all of my team. Rotating weekends off. Myself included.

“Done. Do it. Enjoy.” She grins at me. “Wrap it before you tap it.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, Billie.”

“Hey, it’s good advice.”

After I left the bookstore yesterday, I got called to a fire and didn’t get home until late. Birdie ended up spending the afternoon and evening with Merilee, a retired teacher that Brady Wild recommended, and I have to admit, she’s a lifesaver. She even came to my house, so Birdie was at home.

I never had the chance to call or even run over to see Dani, but I’ll see her this morning when I drop Birdie off at school.

“Now, don’t forget, Aunt Bee is picking you up, and you’re spending the weekend at her house.”

