When He’s Ruthless (The Olympus Pride #4) Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Olympus Pride Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 123
Estimated words: 116909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 585(@200wpm)___ 468(@250wpm)___ 390(@300wpm)

“I’m good at making people talk,” said Luke, a deadly note to his voice.

“I’m sure you are,” said Blair. “And they might well confess under duress. But Embry will never permit any of us to full-on interrogate them. Not unless they’re caught at something. That could in fact happen at some point, considering the shithead is escalating, but not if they’re aware that they’re officially suspects.”

Luke clenched his jaw tightly shut, likely to bite back a string of objections that he knew wouldn’t be founded in logic but instead a need for answers.

“When it comes to Gabriel, it’s a different situation,” said Blair. “You already made it clear to him that you consider him a suspect. As such, unlike with the oblivious Donal and Antoine, he’s already on his guard. You have nothing to lose by revealing that you know he slept with Macy. But you can’t subject him to an interrogation.”

Luke’s eyes flared. “I can’t?”

“No. We don’t have grounds for it. That he slept with Macy doesn’t make him a suspect. You slept with her.”

Luke very slowly angled his head. “You think it’s a coincidence that he fucked a woman who was killed and then dumped on the porch of your old cabin?”

“What I think is that it’s not enough to implicate him. Did you ask the enforcers who keep watch over him if he left his condo earlier?”

“Yes,” said Luke, his voice curt. “They reported that he hadn’t left, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t find a way to sneak out without their knowledge.”

True enough. He’d certainly proven that he was good at circumventing guards and security measures. Still … “Personally, I’m leaning more toward Antoine, considering he’s exhibited actual stalker behavior in the past.”

“He is a more obvious suspect, yes, but I’m not ruling either Donal or Gabriel out.”

Blair wasn’t ready to do that either. “I’m not suggesting that you should. Gabriel should definitely be questioned. I’m only pointing out that we can’t justify putting him through the kind of gruesome interrogation you have in mind.”

A long, gruff sigh slipped out of Tate. “She’s right. We can’t. He slept with Macy but, and I don’t say this with disrespect, so did a lot of shifter males. It doesn’t make him guilty of anything.”

“We could do with Gabriel what we did with Davis Regent,” said Camden. “We could take him somewhere for a friendly chat but keep our claws sheathed this time.”

“It wouldn’t work out that way,” said Blair. “Gabriel would fight back if you tried nabbing him, so blood would naturally be shed. The absolute last thing he would then do is answer any questions you have. I sure as hell wouldn’t.” She switched her focus to Luke. “You’d have more success with him if you just paid him a visit and asked a few questions the way you did last time.”

It was Tate who responded. “A chat with him might not get us the answers we need, but it’s worth a try.” He slid his gaze to Luke. “I could come with you, but it will seem a much more official visit if your Alpha is present. That might make him less inclined to talk.”

“It likely would, and I don’t want that,” said Luke. “I’ll take Deke again. Isaiah, you’ll stay in the car with Blair.” Once all three had agreed to the plan, he sighed. “Let’s get it over with, then.”

This was what pussy got you, thought Luke as he crossed to Gabriel’s building, his mind’s eye still focused on the trusting look Blair had given him as he’d told her he’d be back soon. She believed down to her soul that Luke wouldn’t ignore what was “fair” to Gabriel and quite simply interrogate the motherfucking shit out of him. And now Luke felt cornered.

If he did what he wanted to do, he’d disappoint her; violate her trust. It would gut him to do that. It would gut her that he’d done it. So what could he do but be “fair” to Gabriel?

Yeah, Luke was boxed in all right.

Deke pushed the front door of the building open, and they both filed inside. They crossed the lobby, stopping in front of the elevator. It dinged. The doors opened. And a familiar male stepped out.

“Gabriel,” said Luke—more in surprise than in greeting.

The male’s shoulders tensed. “You’re back.”

His cat’s hackles rising at that flat tone, Luke said, “We should talk.” Preferably somewhere dark and isolated where they could have privacy and no one would hear the guy scream. But that wasn’t going to happen, unfortunately.

Gabriel’s gaze darted to the door. “Can this wait? I have somewhere I need to be.”

“Someone hit me with a car a couple of hours ago.”

Gabriel’s lips parted in what seemed like genuine surprise.

“They drove off before they could be caught or even identified. It’s not a stretch to guess it’s the same person who’s been harassing Blair. A person who we recently learned marked each room of her old cabin.”

