Warlock – Black Reign MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 38439 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“Not my problem, Jezebel. She conspired to do this. Now she’ll have to face the consequences of her actions. How long to get this done, Shotgun?”

He shrugged. “Couple months at least. I’ll file the paperwork, and she’ll have to be formally served with your intention to annul the marriage. Then there’ll be a court hearing. Since this took place in Indiana, you’ll have to go back there for the hearing. You still a citizen of Vanderburgh County for tax purposes, Hope?”

“Yes.” I answered reluctantly, but it wasn’t like they couldn’t find it out anyway. This guy, Shotgun, had found the most important part of my life in under half an hour.

“I can file it, but not until Monday. Court’s closed today.”

“Well,” Warlock crossed his arms over his chest. “Looks like you’re stuck here until we get this worked out.”

“You can’t be serious. You don’t want me here. I no longer wish to be here. I’ll sign anything I need to, but my whole life has been spent where I’m not wanted. I’m done with that.”

“Of course, you can leave.” Jezebel’s husband stepped toward his wife and put his arm around her, kissing her temple affectionately. “But because Warlock is being an ass doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t want you here.”

“Absolutely. Me and the other women would love to have you.” Jezebel seemed genuinely warm and personable. Didn’t mean I trusted any of them to have my well-being at heart. Especially since I’d been part of the reason Warlock was now married without his consent.

“I appreciate it, but I think I’ll go. It’ll be hard to get back to Indiana, but if you tell me when I need to go, I’ll make it.”

El Diablo frowned. “Where are you staying, love?”

“An apartment off Dixie Highway.”

“That’s not the safest area of Lake Worth.” Jezebel looked up at her man. “I’d feel better if you stayed here, honey.”

“You’re not leaving.” Warlock made the decree like he fully expected me to obey him. “Give me your address, and I’ll send some prospects to get your things.”

“I’m not staying here.”

“Of course, you are.” He gave me an insufferably superior snort. Like I was so far beneath him I wouldn’t dare disobey him. It was a look I’d seen my entire life, so I knew it well. “Until this is taken care of, as your husband” -- he emphasized the word and put a sneer on it for good measure --”your safety is my responsibility.”

“So, now you’re OK with this? Make up your mind already!”

“Just so.” El Diablo chuckled. “You should make up your mind, Warlock.”

Warlock gave him a withering look, but El Diablo laughed again. Then Warlock declared, “I have made up my mind. She stays here until Shotgun and Wrath get this marriage thing taken care of. Until then, I will do my duty and see she’s taken care of.”

“I’m not a duty,” I spat. “I have no idea why Mrs. Wagner thought this was a good idea, but it’s obvious she underestimated the degree of asshole you really are. I’m leaving.”

“Try it,” Warlock said with a grin. “See how far you get.” That sexy smirk on his face was the last straw.

He turned away from me, dismissing me. Mrs. Wagner had been the only person I’d ever met who’d talked to me and treated me as an equal. Like I had something to offer the world besides being a burden on everyone. He said the word “husband” like it was nothing more than my permission for him to control me. like everyone else had always done. Used me until I had nothing left to offer, then discarded me like trash. To me, the word “husband” represented the start of something I’d longed for my entire life. Stability. A family. Mutual respect, if not love.

When he dismissed me like an errant child sent to her room, it was all I could take. I snagged a full bottle of Woodford Reserve sitting on the bar and swung it at his head with a battle cry.

Surprisingly, the bottle didn’t break. Warlock dropped to his knees before collapsing completely to the floor. Almost immediately he tried to push himself up, shaking his head to clear it. Down but not out.

“Ohmigod!” I thought that was Jezebel, but it might have been the other woman. “You go, girl!”

“Leave him.” El Diablo said. “He dug this grave. Let him wallow in it.” He turned to me. “Come, sweet Hope. Jezebel will set you up in a room and make sure you’re comfortable with everything you need. You’ll be our honored guest while you’re here.”

Jezebel put her arm around my shoulders while El Diablo took the bottle from my hands. He winked at me but said nothing else. The two women took me deeper into the clubhouse, leading me to a spacious suite.

