Walking Red Flag (Semyonov Bratva #3) Read Online Lani Lynn Vale

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Semyonov Bratva Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 69352 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 347(@200wpm)___ 277(@250wpm)___ 231(@300wpm)

With that, she whirled out of the room and the door beyond us closed with a resounding click.

“Your wife is scary as fuck.” Apollo watched her car back out of the driveway on two wheels and then accelerate down the road at the speed of light.

“You have no fuckin’ idea,” Bayou muttered. “Y’all want to go have breakfast?”

I grinned. “After I make a call.”

“Is this enough?” Nastya asked, looking practically gleeful.

She liked the idea of me killing the motherfucker as much as I did.

“I have no idea,” I admitted.

I may have done medical stuff for the Navy when I was in, but I didn’t have any clue about insulin.

“Well,” Nastya bit her lip as she stared at the syringe full of insulin. “This is what I would normally give myself if I was about to die. So I think it should be fine. I think too much would be suspicious.” She frowned hard. “What do you think about maybe just taking two syringes in there? You can’t put the needle on yet, though. That’ll ping with the metal detector. So, you’ll have to get one from the nurse that gave you this idea.”

“I think I can handle that,” I said, taking both syringes. “I’ll ask, hypothetically, how much is too much when I get there.”

Haze, Nastya’s husband, looked on but didn’t say anything.

Haze was a detective with Fort Worth Police Department, and I wasn’t sure that he should be here right now just to keep his proverbial nose clean, but I wouldn’t have allowed Milena to drive all the way over here to hand off a murder weapon on her own, either.

My phone rang, and since Milena had programmed her own vibration, I knew exactly who that heartbeat rhythm was without seeing the display.

I placed the phone to my ear seconds after sliding my finger over the screen and said, “Hey, Go. Did you make it there okay?”

“I did, and this place is amazing. I wish you could’ve come with me now. It’s…breathtaking. Though, just sayin’, but it looks like it’s gonna snow at any second.”

“You better hope not, or you’re gonna be doing a lot of running up mountains in dangerous conditions,” I pointed out.

She made a rude noise and then replied, “What are you doing?”

“I’m talking to Haze and Nastya. They stopped by to see you,” I lied.

“Whoops,” she snickered. “Tell her to check her messages before she comes over next time.”

“I will,” I said. “Is your rental car there yet?”

“You mean Hazel and her non-rental car?” she asked. “No, not yet. Artur got a rental for himself and we’re waiting in it for Hazel to arrive.”

“Maybe give her a call,” I suggested. “Find out where she’s at?”

The bad feeling I had about Hazel grew.

She was supposed to have been there hours ago, so there should’ve been no issue meeting Milena’s flight on time.

“I’ll call her now,” she said. “Also, signal up here is very, very bad. Artur has a satellite phone if you need us and can’t get ahold of us.”

“Got it,” I said. “Text me what she says.”

Milena hung up with a “I will, Cutter. L…uhhh…later.”

My heart skipped a beat when the phone hung up.

Was she about to say what I thought she was about to say?

“Milena made it?” Nastya asked.

“She did,” I confirmed. “Though she’s waiting for that dick of a friend to show up, and now she’s having to call her.”

“Hazel is a dick,” Nastya agreed. “I’ve never liked her. Why, if your friend hates trail runs so freakin’ much because of her condition, would you ask her to run a marathon trail run with you? Why not find a regular marathon to run?”

“Tell me again about this condition?” Haze asked.

“She has amblyopia,” she said. “It’s a pretty common condition among younger children, and usually if you’re treating it at an early age, you can correct it before it becomes a problem. But Milena and her sensory issues made it nearly impossible to keep an eye mask on her eye when she was younger, so she never got hers corrected. One of the main issues with this condition is a depth perception problem. Shadows, trees, stumps, roots. They all cause the ground to appear uneven, and it makes Milena hyper focused on the ground, and not the surroundings. That’s why she’s been so bad the last few long run days. She’s just overstimulated and needs a break.”

I rubbed at my neck. “You’re sure that Hazel knew about this?”

“Oh, positive,” Nastya confirmed. “Milena isn’t afraid to tell anyone about her issues. Hazel knew straight up. But Milena’s a good friend, and Hazel wanted to do it, so she agreed.”

I didn’t think I could hate the woman any more, yet there I was, hating her more.

Luckily, a text came in from Milena about two minutes later.


Headed to the cabin.

